* Dana Hudes <dhu...@hudes.org> [2010-03-29 04:30]:
> Using http for this is inefficient It makes for slower file
> transfer because you keep rerunning path mtu probes and tcp
> slow start  It makes extra socket handles opening and closing

Errm, you missed the last decade. (HTTP/1.1 has keep-alive and
pipelining and it’s 10 years old now.)

> In the case of CPAN you don't have to go the log route. If the
> mirror knows it last synch time it can use rsync to get the
> modlist et al and import to SQLITE then query by date to come
> up with the list of files to fetch -- via ftp.

Say what? Stat via rsync to feed an SQLite database that drives
an FTP transfer? Could you even possibly come up with a more
Rube-Goldbergian construction?

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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