Dana Hudes wrote:
I sympathize with the compiler errors.  But its not acceptable to have someone 
other than the maintainer decide to remove a contribution from CPAN
   Who ever said anything about removing it?

Just move it out of the main index into an 'archival' section where it is clear that it is no longer being maintained.

It is there for reference, and if someone wants to pick it up and revive it, it will be there, but in the namespace, it would get moved under "Archives::"Module-2.1.2.

We can find a workable middle ground, for most people...only the unreasonable need be excised. ;-)
BTW not everyone uses gcc.
What compiler on linux -- where perl was born, would you suggest?

If it doesn't work on freely available and unencumbered tools (i.e. nothing more restrictive than the license on perl), then wouldn't it violate the implied site license?

 It is its own 'standard' mostly. I agree that usually C code needs to be 
generic and portable but this may not be possible. I have code (not mine, but 
that of one of the programmers I support at work)  gcc won't compile but 
Solaris Studio does (and vice versa alas).
And solaris studio is free?... no prob. Is it limited to solaris platforms? Then those items need to note it AND if someone wants to develop the same module name for an unsupported platform, then arrangements need to be made to "do the right thing" (right module is loaded, and top level
becomes platform/vendor agnostic)...

   This isn't rocket science folks... you all should know this.

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