Hi Nicolas,

On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 14:46:42 -0700
Nicolas Rochelemagne <rochelema...@cpanel.net> wrote:

> Hi dear Pause Admin, I would like to let you know that TimeDate test suite is
> still breaking several continuous integration smokers…
> Waiting for your answer to get permissions to release a fix for this module,
> I’ve setup my GitHub clone with the following:
> - add GitHub actions to smoke every commits on linux, mac, windows
> As shown here, you can see that the test suite is now fixed on my master
> branch... https://github.com/atoomic/perl-TimeDate/actions
> <https://github.com/atoomic/perl-TimeDate/actions>
> - migrate RT tickets to my GitHub clone and advertise it as the main bug
> tracker
> - rebase a few pending PR from the original GitHub repo 
> https://github.com/atoomic/perl-TimeDate/issues
> <https://github.com/atoomic/perl-TimeDate/issues>
> Once I’ve primary maintenance for the Module, I will release to CPAN a
> patched release.. I will be glad to also give permissions to Shlomi to
> contribute to the project.
> I think at this point what everyone is expecting is to have a new release
> submitted fixing the existing issue.
> This is already a problem for more than two weeks, let’s not wait much more
> to fix it...
> Waiting for your answer. 

thanks for all your work and for finally fixing the CPAN's TimeDate's tests.
I am https://github.com/shlomif on github.


Shlomi Fish       https://www.shlomifish.org/

“My only boss is God. And Chuck Norris who is his boss.”
    — http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Chuck-Norris/

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