Looking at BackPAN, my first Module::Build release was 0.33_01 in
June, 2009.  Here are some highlights of what has happened since then:

  * Over 60 Module::Build tarballs -- most of them development
releases, admittedly
  * Converted the Module::Build from Subversion to Git, attracting a
half-dozen or so new contributors
  * Rigorous triage of the M::B RT queue -- every ticket was reviewed
to set the right severity and status
  * About 70 RT tickets noted in Changes
  * Updated release documentation and blead patching documentation

Since then, my own use of Module::Build has declined, as much of my
need for it as an author has been replaced by Dist::Zilla toolkit.  At
the same time, I've taken on additional responsibilities with P5P,
CPAN PAUSE administration, and other parts of the toolchain.

Therefore, with the release of 0.3800, I am retiring as Module::Build
release manager.  I will continue to contribute occasional patches,
particularly relating to any bugs uncovered in the new CPAN Meta Spec
v2 support added in 0.3800, but do not plan to release any more
tarballs to CPAN, short of a major flaw in 0.3800 requiring an
emergency fix.

I encourage interested parties to speak up and volunteer to take on
the release manager role.

David Golden

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