On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 01:34:04PM -0600, John M. Gamble wrote:
> Well ... this raises a question. Whither Module::Build?

How about maintenance mode?  Does Module::Build really need to be aggressively

Module::Build provides a fantastic improvement over MakeMaker: it allows us to
write build actions in pure Perl.  And it has matured into a build system with
a lot of nice features.

M::B wasn't core and had some bugs at first, so I could understand when people
got impatient over it back in 2006.  But it's been distributed with core Perl
for years now and it's pretty darn stable.

In a quick glance at Dist::Zilla, I see that it does stuff like incorporate
POD::Weaver so that they can write their docs in a new language that extends
POD - <http://dzil.org/tutorial/writing-docs.html>.  That's cool, and I love
to see people pushing the envelope, but it's not a feature I'd want to
use.  I just want to write my elaborate build scripts in Perl rather than

If nobody steps up and wants to maintain M::B within the confines of its
current API, does it make sense to declare victory and remove it from
dual-life status?

Marvin Humphrey

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