Hello everyone,

mod_gnutls is a great solution and should be available as a standard  
part of the various distributions out there.  I've taken the trouble  
to walk the module through the Fedora submission process - it is now  
available in distributions F10, F11, F12 and Rawhide, for the all  
platforms, x86, PPC, 32 and 64 bit.

On Redhat EL-5 the module won't build due to its requirement of  
libgnutls >= 2.4.0 which is not available on that distro.  in any  
case, the module should now (or soon) be available via your local YUM  
repository.  Install like this:

        # yum -y install mod_gnutls

additionally, as Fedora does not support SRP, the module had to be  
compiled with --disable-srp.  Please make sure to document its  
availability wherever possible.

If I may be of assistance in any way, please feel free to contact me.

- erick
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