On Oct 1, 2009, at 7:38 PM, Edward Rudd wrote:

On Oct 1, 2009, at 21:49 , Erick Calder wrote:

Hello everyone,

mod_gnutls is a great solution and should be available as a standard
part of the various distributions out there.  I've taken the trouble
to walk the module through the Fedora submission process - it is now
available in distributions F10, F11, F12 and Rawhide, for the all
platforms, x86, PPC, 32 and 64 bit.

Thank you very much for packaging this for Fedora.

Would you mind if I include the RPM spec file in the mod_gnutls repository for inclusion in future releases? (the spec file would be licensed under the ASL 2.0 if you are ok with that)

by all means, it'll make it easier for others to rebuild a binary package. unfortunately I don't have a Debian system to build on. it's not difficult to use an RPM specfile to create .deb packages... perhaps someone else can pick up that task. but I guess at least the modern Debian systems can use standard YUM repositories.
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