BTW, one of the possible causes of your problem could be the use of a
third party C extension module that doesn't work properly for multiple
sub interpreters. Yes, I know that Trac may be running with
WSGIApplicationGroup of %{GLOBAL}, but if that same C extension module
is being used in Django in a  different interpreter, the C extension
module may be incorrect caching in a static global C variable a Python
object, which it then incorrectly uses across multiple sub
interpreters. The psycopg2 package has this problem for a period, so
ensure that any C extension modules you are using in any of your
applications are the latest.

Also, you probably avoid the problem by using WSGIDaemonProcess to
create separate daemon process groups and delegate each application to
run in its own daemon process group. For best chance of everything
working, use WSGIApplicationGroup with %{GLOBAL} so each application
runs in main interpreter of their respective daemon process groups.


2008/10/6 Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/10/6 Todd O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Sorry, but where do I look for the stack trace?
>> I did find this in the error_log,
> Hmmm, where were you seeing the error message in the first place? Was
> Trac catching the exception and generating a special Trac error page
> to the browser. If this is the case, am not sure where Trac may log
> full exception traceback. You would need to ask Trac folks where more
> information about internal exceptions are logged.
> If the exception was being caught by Trac but was propagating all the
> way back up to mod_wsgi, then there full error should appear in either
> the main Apache error log file, or if using ErrorLog directive inside
> in VirtualHost, then in virtual host specific error log file.
>> but it's weird because I'm using
>> Ubuntu with the package system, so it really should have sorted this
>> out, I think.
>> [Mon Oct 06 00:42:39 2008] [warn] mod_wsgi: Compiled for Python/2.5.1.
>> [Mon Oct 06 00:42:39 2008] [warn] mod_wsgi: Runtime using Python/2.5.2.
> That can be ignored, provided Python is a shared library, as only
> relates to minor patch revision.
> This is talked about in:
> Graham
>> On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 8:53 PM, Graham Dumpleton
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Can you supply the full Python traceback from the Apache error log file?
>>> Graham
>>> 2008/10/6 Todd O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Here are the relevant parts of my httpd.conf file, I think.
>>>>        WSGIScriptAlias /trac /srv/trac/trac.wsgi
>>>>        <Location /trac>
>>>>                WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
>>>>        </Location>
>>>> #        <Location "/trac">
>>>> #                SetHandler mod_python
>>>> #                PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
>>>> #               PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
>>>> #                PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /srv/trac
>>>> #                PythonOption TracUriRoot /trac
>>>> #        </Location>
>>>>        <LocationMatch "/trac/[^/]+/login">
>>>>                AuthType Basic
>>>>                AuthName "Trac"
>>>>                AuthUserFile /srv/trac/.htpasswd
>>>>                Require valid-user
>>>>        </LocationMatch>
>>>> On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 8:31 PM, Graham Dumpleton
>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> 2008/10/6 Todd O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>> I just started hosting some Mercurial repositories on my server with
>>>>>> mod_wsgi, and, maybe coincidentally, my Trac setup has started
>>>>>> throwing the very popular RuntimeError: instance.__dict__ not
>>>>>> accessible in restricted mode.
>>>>>> Since it had never done that before, I thought the problem might be a
>>>>>> problem with mod_wsgi and mod_python, so I switched Trac to use
>>>>>> mod_wsgi, and the problem still shows up.
>>>>>> I'm currently hosting a couple of Django apps and some SVN repos on
>>>>>> the same server, so it could be stupidity on my part, but I haven't
>>>>>> seen any reports of mod_wsgi causing this problem on Trac, so I
>>>>>> suspect there may be a subtle problem.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>> What are you setting WSGIApplicationGroup directive to? See:
>>>>> Graham
>>>>> >
>>>> >
>>> >
>> >>

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