On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Mahlon E. Smith <mah...@martini.nu> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2011, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
>> [...] And what are the chances of getting that shifted over to
>> Sourceforge's supported "git" access, to allow people like me to do
>> local patchind and tweaks and branching and submit the changes when
>> we're ready?
> You can certainly make local changes, and create and submit patches,
> without requiring a seachange in VCS backend, no?

Yes, but you can't make local branches and record your changes. That's
a very useful feature for rebundling of any kind. Personally, I have
*had it* with CVS, and consider Subversion a placeholder until someone
can progress enough to use git.

>> I'm also running into issues with daemontools integration [...]
> I run Mon under daemontools as well (very, very happily!)  Let me know
> what issues you're running into -- I'm happy to share my run file or
> whatever you need to get it goin'.

I used the built-in daemontools-run package from Squeeze, along with
the mon present there. The init script uses "svc" to enable and
disable the script. When I attempted to update other utilities, such
as postfix, the installers complained about the init script and I had
to revert to the standard mon package provided one to allow the update
of postfix to proceed.

Are you using the "update-services" tool? And using the daemontool-run
provided setup using /etc/services and various symlink structures? Or
following Dan Bernstein's original practice and using symlinks into

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