On 8/24/06, linux user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All
I am using  version and since there is no logging support for win32 application. I was wondering if it was possible to get any kind of logging at all.
I have tried to these two options 
1. Stream redirection using "mongrel_rails start -c C:/myspace/snapshot -p 4111 -t 70  -e production -P log/mongrel-1.pid > C:\temp\mongrel-1.log"
The console print the output stream and the mongrel-1.log file shows no content except the content generated after I kill the server with Ctrl-C.
2. win32 service "mongrel_rails service::install -N snapshot1 -c C:\myspace\snapshot -p 4111 -e production -t 70". Now ofcourse the -l (log_file) option can't be used so where do I see the output/error logs??
So I am basically lost on a very simple thing.
Please help

oh BTW
I also tried separate output and error stream redirections using "2>myapp2.log 1>myapp1.log" but both these files donot get any content until and unless mongrel gets interrrupted by Ctrl-C which mean that all the stream content is being kept memory. This is a big problem and I don't know how to solve it.

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