Hi Luis,

> You're preaching to the wrong choir.

I'm glad ;)

> 2) Use something like MYAPP_TARGET=foo in the command line:
> mongrel_rails start MYAPP_TARGET=foo
> Will get you something like this:
> ** Starting Mongrel listening at
> ** Starting Rails with development environment...
> ["MYAPP_TARGET =foo"]
> ["MYAPP_TARGET =foo"]
> ** Rails loaded.
> ** Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins
> (dunno why appears twice, is like the file gets "loaded" instead of
> required)

*** WOW!!! ***

I had no idea that would work. What are these things called? They're not
really options, are they?

Just tried it out and not only can I trap these options easily using
preinitialize.rb with mongrel_service as well as mongrel_rails, but it also
works perfectly fine in script/server (sorry, I know you don't like this and
I trust your judgement, but it is the only option I have when debugging
under Netbeans).


I missed this feature completely or it is undocumented. Had I known that a
couple of weeks back I could have spent a week at the beach and would still
be further than I am now.

> 3) Add the additional parameter to created mongrel_service manually
> (registry editing)

For me that isn't a big deal since we have an installer and can easily
configure the mongrel services during installation by writing to the
registry directly.
> Thank you for explaining in further detail your need, it helped me
> provide you a better alternative. Of course, there is still room for
> improvement, and patches are always welcomed ;-)


Now I've also noticed that mongrel_rails service::install doesn't complain
at all if I specify such glyphs (like MYAPP_TARGET=foo). However, they are
not added to the ImagePath. If you think this would be useful, I see if I
can fix it and submit a patch?

Many thanks again, its hugely appreciated.

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