Luis Lavena wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Amit Tomar <> 
> wrote:
>> thanks luis
>> but could you please explain how i serve ?it directly
> Place the file inside public, provide the URL to the file as a link,
> your browser will start download once the file is served.
> send_data is not recommended for big file serving.
>> and for my
>> application i can'nt use ?IE because as you said it don't ?do chunked
>> upload.
> Can't help you on that, please research about it.
> --
> Luis Lavena
> AREA 17
> -
> Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
> but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
> Antoine de Saint-Exupé²¹

sorry luis but i didn't get you
i uploaded my file in filesystem than how  can  i place file in public 
could you please give some example??

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