* gmcs/dmcs -> they just redirect to mcs now and without the 2.0 etc profiles 
it doesn't make sense to still have them

I like to keep them, to avoid breaking third party build scripts. Good point, 
however aren't they gonna break anyway when they rely on 2.0 SDK which is no 
longer there anymore? Maybe now is the time to make people aware they should 
update the scripts :)  * aspnetwebstack (i.e. MVC+WebApi) -> same reasons as 
for EF, open-source and on NuGet, should be used from there

I am actually not sure about this one, is that really the case? The latest 
XamarinStudio/MonoDevelop MVC template installs it from NuGet, so I think it 
should be fine to remove. It might not work perfectly until the System.Web from 
referencesource is integrated, but the same applies to the existing (outdated) 
copy we ship currently. * Rx -> I'm not really familiar with this one, but I 
think it's also on NuGet+open source

This one I know contains patches that make it work on Mono.   Without these, 
they wont work.  So this might have to wait. Interesting. I had a look at the 
NuGet package and it ships a portable-net45 version, I always thought this was 
compatible with Mono? If not, we could maybe look at upstreaming the patches. 
-- Alex                                           
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