On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 10:27:49PM +0200, Bruno Hertz wrote:
> Hmm. Looking at common tools (like ls, chmod or whatever), restriction
> to pwd is the default, and recursiveness must explicitly be requested,
> like per '-R' option (OK, not possible with ls, of course). 'find' is
> one of the notable exceptions, where recursiveness is the default, and
> limitation to pwd or level of recursiveness is requested per
> 'maxdepth'.
> I've seen the term 'depth' already being used somewhere, I think it
> was the revision history depth of the log command, so there might be
> some risk of confusing people.

("chmod" acts on a whole directory as a unit too, though in a
different sense...)

Yeah, --depth is taken.  Could use --prune or something, like find, I

> But to meet user intuition somehow, I guess either of the above
> approaches might serve as a model.

It actually had never occurred to me that one might expect giving a
directory to mean "only the first level of stuff in that directory";
maybe we need a straw poll on what people's intuitions here are?

Part of the problem is that "commit dir/" just can't mean "commit
changes in the top level of dir/, but nothing below that".  I mean...
I dunno, I can't imagine that being reasonable.  So, there's a theory
which says that everything else should be consistent with "commit" --
for "diff" and "status", I think, this argument is very powerful;
"diff foo" should show exactly the same changes as "commit foo" will
commit.  Works for "revert" too, really; "diff" should show exactly
what "revert" will throw away.  For the ls family of commands, I guess
one could make an argument either way; "consistency with ls(1)" vs.
"consistency with the rest of monotone".

> >> Generally, I'm wondering whether it's possible to get rid off the
> >> requirement the user entering MT relative paths at all, e.g. by taking
> >> pwd into account.
> >
> > Yeah, that we haven't already is just a bug.  Do you know of any
> > commands besides log that do this?
> Not right now, but if you are interested in reports I might give them
> as I go through the features resp. give summaries at specific
> points.

I don't think there are any others, but if you do find some, please
let us know!

> First though I hope to maybe ask some other questions in the
> near future which have been kind of puzzling me these recent days ...

Please feel free...

-- Nathaniel

"...these, like all words, have single, decontextualized meanings: everyone
knows what each of these words means, everyone knows what constitutes an
instance of each of their referents.  Language is fixed.  Meaning is
certain.  Santa Claus comes down the chimney at midnight on December 24."
  -- The Language War, Robin Lakoff

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