Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
> Considering there seems to be some instability with this new feature,
> would find it very horrible if we, for some time, transformed the
> feature to be opt-in (with --graph) rather than opt-out (--no-graph)?

"Instability" as in the known bug I was talking about, or instability as
in (gasp!) random crashes?

In the first case, I intend to fix that soon (already have the idea and
shouldn't be very difficult, only have to find the time to actually
implement it), in the latter I'd definitely want to know more about it...

In any case if it was for me I'd rather release without the feature than
releasing 0.33 with opt-out and then 0.34 with opt-in, it's not nice to
change the UI when not strictly necessary, isn't it?
This, of course, if in the end we want to have it as opt-out, which
AFACT was the general idea, but I don't have any strong opinion.

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