On 05/09/2007, at 2:32 PM, Derek Scherger wrote:

William Uther wrote:

On 05/09/2007, at 12:49 PM, Derek Scherger wrote:

It would be nice if we could somehow say "this is here in automate land
but is still experimental and may change." Could we simply add a
stable/unstable status to the interface documentation or some sort of deprecation indicator that says "this old automate command is going to
go away in version x.yy" or something?

I was actually thinking of proposing something like this for my automate commands, but it was still sitting on the TODO list when Nat posted his
critique.  I didn't think that a response to his critique was
politically the best time to propose it (and I still half agree with him
- even if it is experimental, it should still be documented).

Heh... leave it to me to get my foot in my mouth.

No - no foot in mouth. I didn't want to propose it, but I have no issue with someone else doing it.

I do agree that it should be documented, I'd just like to find a way to
be able to try out new automate commands while retaining some
flexibility in case they don't turn out so well.

Yes - I agree.

Will        :-}

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