On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Timothy Brownawell<tbrow...@prjek.net> wrote:
>> > So the question is, what needs to be done on the asio branch? And how
>> > can we mitigate the problems people have with linking against boost?
>> Do we have a list of such problems? Maybe we can just assume boost got
>> better :).
> The two that come to mind are
>  * different (and therefore annoying) build system
>  * version skew wrt libstdc++, eg boost and monotone have
>   different ideas of what exactly an std::string looks like

I suppose I should pop back in at this point, since I started the asio
branch, and admit that I got stuck.  In addition to the above
problems, asio has what is IMO a serious design flaw: its I/O channel
objects are statically typed.  Since we wish to treat sockets, pipes,
and whatever-fds-0-and-1-are as interchangeable, this requires a large
hairy wrapper around all asio interfaces, which I started but got
bogged down on.  I'm also not sure asio's Windows support is good
enough for us.

I've been looking at libevent instead, but it has its own problems,
e.g. not handling the creation of a network socket.  It's written in
C, though, so there's no question of ABI skew, and it uses a normal
build system.


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