> We could probably do this... although another good way is to watch
> http://go-mono.org/monologue which is an aggregate of all the core Mono*
> developer blogs (+ a number of the more active contributors, etc).

I do, already, but it's hard to decypher who's xamarin and who's mono....

> The other people *currently* working on MonoTouch (and related technologies)
> are:

thanks. Followed and subbed :)

> * Chris Hardy (documentation guru). You can find his twitter stream
> at https://twitter.com/#!/chrisntr and his blog
> at http://weblogs.asp.net/chrishardy/

Chris is working for you guys? Sweet. nice one Chris :) I really
should pull finger and send Nat my CV...

> Hah! Well, they weren't that close at all until we finally explained to
> Miguel that Geoff wasn't pronounced "Gee-off" ;-)
> Also, I'm the original!

Fair enough. How did Miguel pronouns it? Geee-off? I really can't
imagine how that could be messed up, and then with a Mexican accent on
top :)

Nic Wise
t.  +44 7788 592 806 | @fastchicken | http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicwise
b. http://www.fastchicken.co.nz/

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