It should be in bin/Debug/iPhoneSimulator. It's copied to the
simulator after compilation.

On 06/09/2011, at 09.08, Tomasz Cielecki <> wrote:

> Trouble is that I am currently using the Emulator to test my app. How
> do I find the .app package?
> I am using the latest stable version of MonoDevelop.
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Mikkel Lønow <> wrote:
>> Right click / Ctrl click / two finger tab on the .app package and select
>> Show Package Contents.
>> What version of MonoDevelop are you using?
>> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 15:42, Tomasz Cielecki <> wrote:
>>> How do I make sure that they are actually copied into the .app package?
>>> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Mikkel Lønow <> wrote:
>>>> At first glance it looks correct.
>>>> Is Build Action for pin.png set to Content? Can you make sure they are
>>>> actually copied to the .app package? (there's a bug in some versions of
>>>> MonoDevelop where images would not be copied).
>>>> Mikkel
>>>> P.S. Replied to all.
>>>> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 15:32, Tomasz Cielecki <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think your suggestion is more or less the same way I am implementing
>>>>> it.
>>>>> Code can be seen here or:
>>>>> Here is my Main.cs file:
>>>>> using System;
>>>>> using System.Collections.Generic;
>>>>> using System.Linq;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.Foundation;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.UIKit;
>>>>> using LoadSiteList;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.MapKit;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.CoreLocation;
>>>>> namespace MapsStuff
>>>>> {
>>>>>        public class Application
>>>>>        {
>>>>>                static void Main (string[] args)
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                        UIApplication.Main (args);
>>>>>                }
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        // The name AppDelegate is referenced in the MainWindow.xib
>>>>> file.
>>>>>        public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
>>>>>        {
>>>>>                UITabBarController tabBarController;
>>>>>                os4MapsViewController viewController;
>>>>>                MapsStuff.TableViewController viewController2;
>>>>>                // This method is invoked when the application has
>>>>> loaded
>>>>> its UI and
>>>>> its ready to run
>>>>>                public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication
>>>>> app,
>>>>> NSDictionary options)
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                        window = new UIWindow
>>>>> (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
>>>>>                        tabBarController = new UITabBarController();
>>>>>                        viewController = new os4MapsViewController();
>>>>>                        viewController2 = new TableViewController();
>>>>>                        viewController.TabBarItem = new UITabBarItem
>>>>> ("Map",
>>>>> UIImage.FromFile("Images/103-map.png"), 0);
>>>>>                        viewController2.TabBarItem = new UITabBarItem
>>>>> ("List",
>>>>> UIImage.FromFile("Images/103-map.png"), 0);
>>>>>                        tabBarController.ViewControllers = new
>>>>> UIViewController[]
>>>>> {viewController, viewController2};
>>>>>                        window.AddSubview(tabBarController.View);
>>>>>                        // If you have defined a view, add it here:
>>>>>                        // window.AddSubview
>>>>> (navigationController.View);
>>>>>                        window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
>>>>>                        return true;
>>>>>                }
>>>>>                // This method is required in iPhoneOS 3.0
>>>>>                public override void OnActivated (UIApplication
>>>>> application)
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                }
>>>>>        }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Next here is the os4MapsViewController.cs:
>>>>> using System;
>>>>> using System.Drawing;
>>>>> using System.Collections.Generic;
>>>>> using System.Diagnostics;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.Foundation;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.UIKit;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.MapKit;
>>>>> using MonoTouch.CoreLocation;
>>>>> namespace MapsStuff
>>>>> {
>>>>>        public class os4MapsViewController: UIViewController
>>>>>        {
>>>>>                private MKMapView _mapView { get; set; }
>>>>>                List<MapsStuff.MapAnnotation> pins;
>>>>>                public MKMapView MapView
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                        get { return _mapView; }
>>>>>                }
>>>>>                public os4MapsViewController () : base()
>>>>>                {}
>>>>>                public override void ViewDidLoad ()
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                        base.ViewDidLoad ();
>>>>>                        //
>>>>>                        // Create our map view and add it as as subview.
>>>>>                        //
>>>>>                        pins = CreateRandomPins();
>>>>>                        _mapView = new MKMapView();
>>>>>                        _mapView.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0,
>>>>> this.View.Frame.Width,
>>>>> this.View.Frame.Height);
>>>>>                        _mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
>>>>>                        _mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Hybrid;
>>>>>                        _mapView.Delegate = new MapViewDelegate();
>>>>>                        foreach (MapAnnotation m in pins)
>>>>>                        {
>>>>>                                _mapView.AddAnnotation(m);
>>>>>                        }
>>>>>                        View.AddSubview(_mapView);
>>>>>                }
>>>>>                List<MapsStuff.MapAnnotation> CreateRandomPins()
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                        Random r = new Random();
>>>>>                        List<MapsStuff.MapAnnotation> locations = new
>>>>> List<MapsStuff.MapAnnotation>();
>>>>>                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
>>>>>                        {
>>>>>                                        locations.Add(
>>>>>                                              new
>>>>> MapsStuff.MapAnnotation(
>>>>>                                                  new
>>>>> CLLocationCoordinate2D(r.NextDouble() * 180,
>>>>> r.NextDouble() * 180),
>>>>>                                                  "test" + i,
>>>>>                                                  "sub" + i
>>>>>                                              ));
>>>>>                        }
>>>>>                        return locations;
>>>>>                }
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        public class MapViewDelegate : MKMapViewDelegate
>>>>>        {
>>>>>                public MapViewDelegate (): base()
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                }
>>>>>                public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation
>>>>> (MKMapView
>>>>> mapView, NSObject annotation)
>>>>>                {
>>>>>                        var anv =
>>>>> mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation("thislocation");
>>>>>                        if (anv == null)
>>>>>                        {
>>>>>                                Console.WriteLine("creating new
>>>>> MKAnnotationView");
>>>>>                                anv = new
>>>>> MKPinAnnotationView(annotation,
>>>>> "thislocation");
>>>>>                        }
>>>>>                        else
>>>>>                        {
>>>>>                                anv.Annotation = annotation;
>>>>>                        }
>>>>>                        anv.Image = new UIImage("pin.png");
>>>>>                        anv.CanShowCallout = true;
>>>>>                        return anv;
>>>>>                }
>>>>>        }
>>>>> }
>>>>> So both the referenced images in Main.cs and the ones in
>>>>> os4MapsViewController.cs are not shown
>>>>> <-- this image shows what I get on the emulator.
>>>>> pin.png lies in the root folder of my project. The other image lies in
>>>>> the folder Images in the project dir. None of them seems to show up.
>>>>> Any ideas? I know the code provided uses MKPinAnnotationView, but
>>>>> changing it to MKAnnotationView simply shows nothing.
>>>>> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Mikkel Lønow <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tomasz,
>>>>>> I believe MKAnnotationView would be your best option. Use a custom
>>>>>> MKMapViewDelegate and override GetViewForAnnotation where you call
>>>>>> mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation to reuse the annotation view (or
>>>>>> create a
>>>>>> new if null). Here you can set your image to the annotation view.
>>>>>> Feel free to share your implementation if you need more help.
>>>>>> Mikkel
>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 14:01, Tomasz Cielecki <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello MonoTouch list,
>>>>>>> I am in the midst of creating a iPhone app where I need a map with
>>>>>>> some circles, where the circle colors changes depending on the data
>>>>>>> received asynchronously in the background.
>>>>>>> So my first approach to this was to get a Map shown on the devices
>>>>>>> with a circle, which works fine. Only problem is that MKCircle takes
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> radius for that circle, which means the circle is only visible at
>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>> zoom level. So lets say the circle radius is 100 meters, then I have
>>>>>>> to zoom to almost the biggest zoom level to get to a point where I
>>>>>>> actually can see the circle, this is not the desirable behavior. I
>>>>>>> want to have the circle resize along with the zoom level, just like
>>>>>>> pins do.
>>>>>>> So I have also tried to use a custom image on MKPinAnnotationView
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> on MKAnnotationView, neither of them seems to show my custom image.
>>>>>>> The normal pin image shows when using MKPinAnnotationView. I have
>>>>>>> put
>>>>>>> the pin image in the root of my project and referencing it with the
>>>>>>> path "pin.png" (the name of the image is actually pin.png).
>>>>>>> So maybe someone here can help me find out what is wrong, or provide
>>>>>>> me with some examples on how to do this? I would prefer if I could
>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>> MKCircle and just choose the color. But using images could be a
>>>>>>> solution.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Med Venlig Hilsen / With Best Regards
>>>>>>> Tomasz Cielecki
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> MonoTouch mailing list
>>>>> --
>>>>> Med Venlig Hilsen / With Best Regards
>>>>> Tomasz Cielecki
>>> --
>>> Med Venlig Hilsen / With Best Regards
>>> Tomasz Cielecki
> --
> Med Venlig Hilsen / With Best Regards
> Tomasz Cielecki
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