Cost means nothing.. because as soon as you buy a car it devalues ,,,, UNless you buy say a car that BECOMES a classic or is in short supply or like a deloren although you can still get a delorean for 15K.. from 1982.. as for return on investment ) ROI- its really interesting because IPO shares of Mictrosoft or those dot com seemed to make millionaires.. yet the cost was not that big initially..
thats why speculation which all on the group Mopo has done..
But the ones that bought .. notfor profit,,, but because they where turned on by the art and the film are the ones I relate to.... the money part was just a fuel to get more goodies.. and I never imagined it going so volitile.. as it has.... at the same time there has been lotsof good stuff happen also..- Like all the CGI and sound and Imax and all kinds of advances. value -is a concept.. as it can have a Blubook estimate value.. or market value.. however 9 out of 10 times

a dealer would never pay that " value" unless thay had a waitin buyer that would pay enough to include a profit. Most dealers will ' knowck the goods" or say the item has no " value" for years thats how dealers would buy..

Then we they were able to get collectors to " consign " with them they had no cost into it so no matter what they were garenteed payment and also paid to Organize the sale. so they get it in the front end and back end. ( no puns attended)

As a business Posters have done well over a 20 year cycle. and the entire collectable circle has done well, However as we ammased beig cars and BIG houses we amassed BIG debt.... Why I consider my self experianced is that I did that too... I made 4 million selling Movie stuff and in 1990 was in debt 40 k on cards and 100k overall... then I lost my house, my marriage and have been limping alone since.. yet I also learned some stuff.... and part was that the stuff is just window decoration and not the stuff that matters. Yet I still like a car, a home , some food, and to be able to be in business.

I have watched as many dont like the prospect of giving up things... and also are so caught up thinking about future money investments that they are forgeting about day -to day so they become slaves to the stuff and actions of getting it and so they do some desperate stuff .

Value - what is it -well a pparaiser can use a formula- however think ... there are 1000s of Propertys right now with " Values Of 6 million " 500K etc..... well Im sure there are people with the money... why dont they suck up the deals??? geeze they could make 10x thier money why dont they??? where are the speculators? well they already used up those people... just as they bilked the Poster Investors of thiers ... so Now I would suspect that the posters being sold in Large cashes are either dead collectors estates or people hoping to get out of the habit and do damge control to thier finances or re-fi thier debt. Im not saying all is doom and gloom there are still some people with money and still keep the commerce going

and the Great titles are still saleable.. But most are as common and cheap to be had// I saw some on ebay of new unused that are retailing for 4.99 .. thats what a poster cost yeras ago.wholsale at same time there are more COMMON fold then there are select groups. so we live in a Target, walmart , best buy .. community now.. by the time 2 party familys pay the mortgage and gas and food and all the extras the disposable income
is nil.. and how many secound incomes can you have?

Nope....downizeing in eating, spending and consumption of oil and materilism stuff is in order and a Must
for the Human race to survive and the planet.

anybody care to walk in the park and get our endorphins and lungs workin?


Craig Miller wrote:

The fact is that the cost is different from the value.

Let's say you just bought a brand new 2008 Toyota Camry.  You paid
$20,000.  Plus sales tax (about $1700) and license fees (about $200,
as a guess).  Then you paid $650 for a wonderful extended warranty.
That's $22,550 you've paid to the dealership. You spent $22,550.
What is the value of the car?


At 06:15 PM 7/15/2008, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

I agree with Sean

At 05:29 PM 7/15/2008, Sean Linkenback wrote:

>From: MoPo List [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Heim >...Some people say value, some say cost, etc. I guess, for me personally, when I think of the "value" of a poster I purchased, I think of it in terms of how much > money I had to give for that poster... I used to think the same way Sue, but Bruce's question of whether or not it matters if the buyer's premium is 10% or a 100% has me rethinking everything. Now I'm thinking that I can be the low price leader for items, but just charge a significant "buyer's premium" on all purchases. "How much is that Frankenstein Title Card?" - "Why it's only $600, but there is a 5000% buyer's premium." "That's a beautiful B-Style One Sheet for Citizen Kane, what was the price on that?" "I got it super cheap at Platinum Posters, they only charged me $1000 for it (not counting buyer's premium of course)." "Yeah, they're only charging $15 for Goldfinger one-sheets." It could even work when buying - "We normally sell This Gun For Hire one-sheets for $400 which is full appraised value, but I'm in a good mood today and will pay you double value for your copy" Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at <>
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