I'll confess: I saw "2001" the first time in Cinerama, in 1968, after taking a capsule of particularly pure blue Mescaline, a synthesized form of peyote. The stuff came on during the intermission, just before Hal began to run amuck and the light show began and all that weirdness started in. I was absolutely enthralled by the spectacle, but I was equally enthralled by the lava-like stream of tail lights on the cars ahead of me during a post-dusk traffic jam on the Bay Bridge in San Francisco as I drove myself and my girl friend back from the film. Sorry, Stanley. I watched it again recently after taking a capsule of pure ibuprofen. I still enjoyed the film, more as a nostalgic curio than anything else, and my back didn't hurt once.
Greg Douglass
Kenwick Cook wrote:
In a message dated 7/13/2009 10:27:09 A.M. Central Daylight Time, ilovefi...@flash.net writes:

    Back in my laserdisc days I was at a friends house and she told me
    you just gotta watch this film called Eraserhead.  For the sake of
    a friend I watched it all the way through, scratched my head and
    said 'huh?'.  Her comment back to me was 'it is better if you are
    stoned'.    Darn, maybe that is my problem with a few of these
    films I don't get.  Anyone got a joint, I am thinking about going
    to the movies.....  Better not.  It would cost me too much in
    Popcorn and Gummy worms.

Either that or some acid... for the other folks posting, I would say that "2001" AND "Once Upon A Time In The West" also helps with mood ameliorating substances

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