Aw, c'mon guys... of course Ebay wants to control everything about its auction site. If any of us owned Ebay we would want to do the same -- business is business. The things people are complaining about are hardly "latest changes" -- this was all old news back in 1998 when I first started selling on Ebay. Even at that point they would not allow a new username to be registered with a .dot com in it and it was *always* against Ebay policy guidelines for Ebay bidders and buyers to contact each other to try and do a deal off outside of the Ebay system. Back then, their system was so transparent (accidentally, not by design or intent) that they didn't really have any way of preventing it, and so it happened a lot. And I mean a lot. I did it, so did most others who were around back then. Ebay finally started actively campaigning against off-site transactions in 2000 and by 2003 had made it much more difficult for bidders and buyers to get together outside of the Ebay system. But you can still do it today: All you have to do is send the seller a question using the Ebay mail system -- and don't check the "hide my address from the seller" box -- and indicate in the message that you want to talk about something and that the seller is "welcome" to reply to you "personally". If seller is so inclined he will get what you mean and send you a reply to your private address with his private address and then you reply to him -- viola, you're both doing business off the Ebay site.

-- JR

Bruce Hershenson wrote:
It's worse than you know! They not only are trying to move *ALL* communication (even after-sale communication) to being forced through their own system, but they want to make it a "crime" to contact biders or buyers any other way than through their system! I *USED* to think having a dotcom user ID ( <>) meant something, but now it really doesn't. And it is just a matter of time before they take those away too. It is like living in a ghetto 100 years ago. First the authorities take one "right" away from the ghetto dwellers, and they say, "well, we can deal with that" and then they take away another, and another, and another, until finally no one has any rights left at all, Bruce

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Helmut Hamm < <>> wrote:

    I second Kirby on this one. I used to throw in bids for good
    measure, just to have my user-id show. Fortunately, I registered
    back in '99, when
    filmposter(dot!!!)net was still allowed... I stopped doing this
    since they are hiding the bidder names.

    Did you notice, that at some point eBay has made it completely
    impossible to contact a seller directly after you won an item? No
    more seller's email address, and even retracking
    contact data from eBay will give you the address and (sometimes) a
    phone number, but no email contact.
    Nowadays, Big Brother eBay wants to monitor ANYTHING.

    Maybe it's just me, but I find this extremely annoying.


    Am 23.08.2009 um 17:42 schrieb Kirby McDaniel:

        Not missing a thing.  And bring back the transparency of the
        entire system - where you can see the buyers, contact them
        etc.  See who is bidding
        against you etc.  Sure, it might bring some communication
        between the members, result in more than a few off-site deals,
        but it would be
        better and probably more remunerative for ebay than the
        present morass.


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