Sorry, Rich, I gotta disagree with you and Steve there.

We're not talking about $200 posters... we're talking about $20,000 and up being paid for fakes that are now being done so skillfully that they will fool "educated, informed buyers" and maybe even a lot of old hands.
From this day forward, any auction house/dealer who does not take
responsibility and engage in "due diligence" by getting a true independent 3rd party real expert verification prior to offering such a pricey item as a "genuine original" is indeed a villain. I'm not talking about the past -- although this sort of thing obviously should have been done all along on such items and we wouldn't have the situation we now have -- but I *am* talking about how auctioneers/dealers should proceed in the future with very pricey items, now that we know these kind of high-end fakes exist (and can continue to be created).

Now that the Black Cat is out of the Son of Frankenstein's bag, who would be willing to spend $20,000 or more on a poster *without* a verification from an independent, third party recognized expert in the field?

Anybody still willing to roll those dice -- now that we know what we know?

-- JR

Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:
Kudos to Steve

At 01:01 PM 9/1/2009, Stephen Fishler wrote:
Clearly, there are villains here who decided to CREATE some very valuable posters in order to line their pockets.

Having said that, let's not work overtime in order point the finger of blame where it clearly does not belong. There auction houses that may have sold fakes have acted responsibility here. They are not the enemy.

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