one of the comments was totally spot-on:

* <>PatrickT wrote on 04/12/2010 08:36:46 AM: As an ebay buyer, emiller1313 has received great feedback from sellers who deal with him. Feedback on 301 transactions, all positive. But as a seller...42 items of feedback, 2 negative including the one mentioned in this article (that may not sound bad to an outsider, but rightly or wrongly, on ebay a rating below 98% as a seller is seen as a warning sign to buyers. There's a lot of "grade inflation" in the process, and negative feedback is often successfully removed, so when it sticks, as here, almost 5% of the time, it's definitely unusual. But emiller1313 is not himself quite the king of feedback. His trading partners have left him constructive feedback on a total of 343 transactions. But he himself has only ever bothered to leave feedback on a total of 6 transactions. All as a buyer, all almost five years ago or more. Since clearly emiller1313 thinks the feedback process and information it may provide to future buyers and sellers is extremely unimportant, I wonder that he's so sensitive about his own feedback score. If everyone left feedback as rarely as he does, no one would ever be able to build up a feedback score of 330 as himself enjoys, courtesy of the good ebayers who have transacted business with him.

I checked.. and the commentor is 100% correct. emiller1313 is obviously a troll

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