Of the many URLs run by RH, aka “A Diarrhea Gulch” and “King of Camel Dung”

---a new one has been added:


Hundreds of Banner Ads proclaim: 


***Camel Dung---99 cents/lb.

***Vintage Camel Dung, 1000 different Varieties---bids start at 99 cents

***Camel Dung---99 cents/ton

***Free Camel Dung (with a lot of disclaimers in very small type)

***Anal Camel Curses---POR

***Special Report, “Raising Camel Dung for Fun and Profit”

***Flash:  Stolen from my Vegas Warehouse:  5,000,000 tons of Camel Dung

***New autobio title:  “My Mother was the Original Camel Dung”

***Cooking with Camel Dung:  “It’s Better than you would Think”

***Treatise:  “You’ll never go back to Pig Shit”

***Camel Dung:  101 Flavors, and counting

***Camel Dung, and the price of newly minted slugs in Las Vegas

***”Shut my mouth, before I eat another Camel Turd”

***Camel Dung---to replace SPAM?


God, I just pray that this deviant does not discover buried dinosaur crap.

From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Noir?---314 titles, and counting...
To: "rodxmorgan" <>, MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
Date: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 12:19 PM

At 12:03 PM 6/13/2010, rodxmorgan wrote:

Open letter to RH, aka “A DIARRHEA GULCH”


Double your thorazine doses---might help with your psychotic outbursts.

And triple your ex-lax intake, as you seem to be tooo full of brown fecal material.


Racking my brains as to why our resident halfwit (better half a wit than no wit at all) was so scatalogically inclined.


And then it came to me:


“LAS VEGAS MORON” anagrammizes into “GROSS ANAL MOVE”

(Better quadruple the ex-lax, and enemas twice a day.)


Oh, the tortured brain:  devoid of wit;  and constantly spewing stale, banal epithets which tend to glorify his bowel movements :


***you are an insignificant flea eating the dung from a dead camel's ass

***you are an insignificant flea eating the dung out of a camel's rump

***until then.. youare still an insignificant flea eating the dung from a dead camel's behind.. tasty isn't it

***and that is exactly what I said earlier.. that the sellers always know they are totally full of dried camel dung


Yes, virtually the same moldy phrases from four of RH’s (aka “A DIARRHEA GULCH”) MOPO postings, over the past few months.


Chrissake, dummy---get a new writer;  get a new schtick! 

And quit fetishizing camel shit.  People will think you’re weird.


The benediction will be from our friend Cyrano:


Such, my dear sir, is what you might have said,

Had you of wit or letters the least jot:

But, O most lamentable man!--of wit

You never had an atom, and of letters

You have three letters only!--they spell Ass!

And--had you had the necessary wit,

To serve me all the pleasantries I quote

Before this noble audience. . .e'en so,

You would not have been let to utter one--

Nay, not the half or quarter of such jest!

I take them from myself all in good part,

But not from any other man that breathes!







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