I can remember my friends and I doing the opening number to the Monkees t.v. 
show in our front yard. I had Tiger Beat magazine pictures of them, but 
especially Davy,  all over my bedroom. Of course, I was 12 at the time. 
Remember him on the Brady Bunch episode?  Had to the good fortune of going to 
one of their reunion concerts here at the Greek Theater back in the 80's and 
was backstage at the pre-dinner get together. I was totally a "fan" again and 
12 years old all over. I took my albums with me and they all signed and laughed 
as I told them how many allowances went to those dumb Tiger Beat and "16" 
magazines. I still laugh when I pick one up today for my daugher who is totally 
into the Twilight cast.  Some things never change with young girls!!  Thanks 

Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 13:30:57 -0500
From: s...@columbus.rr.com
Subject: [MOPO] Davy Jones of the Monkees 1945-2012

I feel my childhood passing before my eyes…Davy Jones of the Monkees gone from 
a heart attack at age 66.
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