Maybe we could do a thread "latest accusations" on one of the boards
Op 12 jun 2012, om 17:43 heeft Kirby McDaniel het volgende geschreven:

> If you're ever in a jam, here I am
> If you're ever up the creek, I'm your geek
> Well it's friendship, friendship
> Perfect MOPO blendship
> When other friendships have been forgot
> THEIRS will still be NOT
> Anyone else need any rhymes.
> Or should I just SHUT UP.
> Kirby
> On Jun 12, 2012, at 9:40 AM, John Waldman wrote:
>> That's a very interesting story, Rich.  And like you said, no one is 
>> perfect.  So it's best to check up on what's yours and what is owed to you.
>> There's only one thing that is fuzzy, Bruce a friend of 
>> yours or what?
>> JW
>> From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <>
>> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 11:46 PM
>> Subject: [MOPO] My Consignment to Bruce.. and what I didn't like about it
>> Okay Folks.. here goes.
>> Before I put this down, I want everyone here to know some simple things, 
>> including Bruce.
>> Bruce is my friend and has been for a very long time. I first met Bruce at 
>> the 1968 Comic Art con in NYC when I was just 11 years old. We never really 
>> hung out much then for obvious reasons (I was 11.. hello), but over the 
>> years we definitely got to know each other and about 1985 when I floated 
>> back to movie posters and we met again at Cinevent, we became much more 
>> friendly. I have alot of respect for Bruce and like many people who are my 
>> friends, I consider them to be my brothers and my sisters. Chances are, if I 
>> couldn't think of you as someone that close to me, I probably couldn't 
>> consider you my friend. Bruce is definitely a brother
>> The story that follows is my personal experience, or I should say, one of my 
>> experiences as a consignor, because I have a few times consigned to Bruce. 
>> It is not anyone else's story as I refuse to tell other people's experiences 
>> behind any anonymity and if I do know anyone with a negative story, they 
>> just have to tell it themselves. I just pass around gossip like "I know lots 
>> of people who have bad experiences with Heritage". Sorry..
>> That's not my bag.
>> I'm not telling this story to infuriate Bruce. I'm telling it because I've 
>> had enough of these accusations back and forth that looks like one dealer 
>> trying to disparage other dealers. It's silliness, it's a negative to the 
>> hobby, and MoPo as well as APF is just too full of this bullshit and it has 
>> to stop. In kind, after I tell this story, if someone wants to tell of some 
>> negative experienc e you've had buying from me, selling to me or consigning 
>> etc.. Go for it. I'm a big boy and the truth does not hurt me
>> my story...........
>> Back near the end of 2008, I had determined that I wasn't doing well with 
>> stills in my auctions. It was too bad because I have lots of great great 
>> stills. So because I was spending lots of money with my friend Bruce, and 
>> because it was my opinion that he wasn't just doing well with good stuff, 
>> but that he was kicking ass, I decided to ask Bruce if he would take a 
>> consignment of stills. He agreed as long as I sent him good stuff. I 
>> promised it would be a great load of stuff, but I wanted them sold in a 
>> short period of time so that I could spend the money with him as in 2008 and 
>> into 2009, I really wasn't doing well enough, and though I can't muzzle my 
>> collecting habit, I could at least find a way to get it to pay for itself a 
>> little better at the time.
>> So I carefully went through my stock and I pulled the best of the best.
>> Silent portraits of Valentino, Nita Naldi, Nazimova, Harold Lloyd.
>> Scene stills from Wings with Clara Bow,  It Happened One Night, Petrified 
>> Forest. Great images of Jean Harlow, Gable, Clara Bow and even great stuff 
>> from High Noon, and the Wild Bunch. This was great incredible stuff and only 
>> the best images. There was absolutely no chaff in this stuff. 492 stills. I 
>> sent bruce a link to an online gallery of the stills so he could approve 
>> them before I shipped them also. I  got my ducks lined up.
>> So after I got them prepped and I photographed them all (yeah that's right, 
>> that's my inventory. I practice what I preach!), I had Anna box them up and 
>> they were shipped to Bruce on 4-17-2009.
>> I was spending some money with Bruce in 2009, and fortunately things were 
>> also getting better, so I sort of forgot about them for a while until I 
>> realized Bruce hadn't auctioned them yet, so on 7-28 I emailed Bruce if he 
>> was going to get to them sometime soon. He responded on 8-23 with the 
>> following email:
>> Rich
>> I have good news and bad news!
>> The bad news is that I got so backed up I did nothing with the stills.
>> The good news is that I opened them, and I am going to sneak in around 40 of 
>> them in with my really great single owner collection we are selling 9/3-9/10.
>> More good news is that I see that you weren't kidding and there are lots of 
>> really good ones, and I will get most of them ready for the next still 
>> auction at the end of September.
>> More good news is that I have a good collection of autographed items for a 
>> special autograph only auction in late September or October which is mostly 
>> stills, and I will add yours to that.
>> The only other bad news is that I likely will have trouble identifying some 
>> of the stills. I will do all I can (and look at your web page) and then I 
>> will likely send any back to you with Post-Its on them so you can add the 
>> titles and return them.
>> But bottom line, you sent a shitload of great stills!
>> Bruce
>> So in other words, more than 4 months had gone by and he hadn't even opened 
>> up my box! I was not pleased because I really hadn't expected my consignment 
>> to be handled in this way and to make matters worse, he was only going to be 
>> auctioning less than 10% of my consignment the following month, which was 
>> not what I had in mind, and not what I recalled discussing with him prior to 
>> the consignment. However, Bruce is my friend, I understand sometimes work is 
>> tough, and Bruce did not hear one single complaint from me. Not one gripe.
>> So he sold what he sold and I got a check for some $300 or $400. I didn't 
>> keep track of what I was paid, because it had become unimportant to me. I 
>> was letting Bruce deal with the stills. He did of course pay me for what he 
>> sold within his stated period of 30 or 45 days etc. Now I will admit that I 
>> didn't think he got a satisfactory price for my stuff.. But as a long time 
>> dealer, I completely understand this issue. I did not gripe one bit, and I 
>> continued letting Bruce sell my stills.
>> Then in December 2009, he listed a few more stills.. Maybe a dozen. I don't 
>> recall exactly because.. well.. I trust Bruce. maybe I took the pics of mine 
>> for an inventory, but not once did I check my visual inventory against 
>> anything after the first time, largely because I don't have the time and I 
>> trust Bruce. I did however tell Bruce at the beginnig that if he had any 
>> trouble with identifications, he should contact me, and clearly from his 
>> email copied above, he said he would.
>> well.. he didn't.
>> On 12/29/2009 he sold this still from my consignment, for $7.00... 
>> the only problem was, he failed to identify the woman in the still as Joan 
>> Crawford. Had Bruce done so, I suggest this still would have sold for at 
>> least a little more than $7.00 and possibly quite a bit more. sadly, I 
>> hadn't looked at his auction until maybe an hour before they ended (I am 
>> just too busy), which was just too damn late to do anything about. I shook 
>> my head, told Anna (she is my secretary), took a deep breath and I moved on. 
>> I never said one word to Bruce about this and this is the first time he will 
>> have heard anything about it. In other words.. I didn't gripe, I sucked it 
>> up, and I didn't bitch to anyone on any forum either. I don't have time to 
>> dwell on stupid shit like this.. I moved on and I continued to let Bruce 
>> sell the stills, although I don't recall if he did sell any more of them. He 
>> can probably tell better than I.
>> Then in January 2010, I sold a great collection, on consignment, that a 
>> friend had bought and after he pulled out some great stuff, he let me sell 
>> 98% of the collection. There was great stuff. Lone Ranger 1sh, Bullit, Le 
>> Mans, Bond stuff, Rio Bravo..
>> here's a list of the results of that auction, or the first part of it at 
>> least
>> Some of you may remember that after that auction, I posted to mopo a message 
>> titled: Consign Your Posters to for the best results!! 
>> (dated apparently Jan 30th)
>> Well, Bruce got into a little tete-a-tete with me, very friendly on both 
>> sides. There was no animous, but he was trying to point out that you would 
>> do better consigning to him, and I was arguing that MPB would be just as 
>> good, depending on what you're looking for etc. At some point, Bruce 
>> commented that (and this is not a direct quote. I'm at the warehouse, 
>> supposed to be working, and I do not have a complete email archive here) he 
>> was the fastest road to auction, and that he always sold his cosnignments 
>> within a short period of time. I think he even projected a specific time 
>> frame, but again, my archive isn't here.
>> Of course, I disputed Bruce's claim with my own experience, and no one 
>> else's. Bruce got a little angry at me, and shot me an email back privately 
>> that he would be returning that consignment. I didn't ask him to do so and I 
>> wasn't planning to, but honestly, I was glad he did. Mostly because at the 
>> speed they were being sold, he might still have some of them today.
>> I did consign something to him since, so obviously it didn't color my 
>> feelings about consigning to him, and I still would if I thought he could 
>> help me. Of course, being my own auction, I really don't have that need.
>> Anyway.. fast forward to sometime in either 2010 or 2011. I can't find teh 
>> exact item because it's difficult finding a Gene Autry autographed still in 
>> Bruce's archive and again, I'm not at my main archive either, but Bruce was 
>> selling this Gene Autry autographed still that was in my consignment to 
>> Bruce. Because I had never done an inventory check when the stills were 
>> returned, because I 100% trust Bruce, I couldn't tell you if I got 
>> everything back or not, or if I was properly paid. I trust Bruce took care 
>> of my correctly.
>> Anyway, and Bruce should recall this well, the description in the still 
>> listing had noted that this still was from a longtime collector who had 
>> personally gotten this selection of stills Bruce had listed and personally 
>> had each star autograph them back in the 1950s and 1960s. Well I knew this 
>> still, and I knew that was incorrect, so I let Bruce know that I believed 
>> the consignor was lying to him, because Bruce had gotten this still in my 
>> consignment, and presumably had sold it and so the consignor could not have 
>> had the still signed in the 1950s. I didn't realize what Bruce was going to 
>> tell me after he did his research.
>> what did Bruce find out?
>> He found out that this still was from my consignment. He had neither sold it 
>> nor returned it to me, and it was incorrectly placed in this other guy's 
>> consignment. He thanked me for pointing it out. He correctly apologized to 
>> me for screwing up, changed the description and a month or so later, I got 
>> my check.
>> Did any of you ever hear me tell this story before?? I know the answer... NO
>> What would have been the purpose to do so? I was not then and I am not now 
>> trying to embarrass my friend. The story is only being told now because 
>> after everything that has gone in, not just concerning Bruce v Heritage over 
>> the last few years, but particularly with Geraldine's story within which 
>> Bruce has very clearly aligned himself with Geraldine indicating that 
>> Heritage makes lots of mistakes, I have to point out that with just this one 
>> consignment, Bruce made numerous mistakes, including misplacing part of my 
>> consignment with someone else's!!!! By the way.. I did not gripe to Bruce 
>> about it. Not one bit.
>> Simply said, my consignment of stills was handled poorly at every juncture, 
>> but I have only once even alluded to it publicly, which was here on MoPo in 
>> a single email in a single statement. I do not as a matter of course try to 
>> damage my competitors. I have never felt it was necessary. If my competitor 
>> does a poor job, they will go out of business all on their own and then I 
>> will benefit maybe. But I get no benefit by continually beating on my 
>> competitor's reputation and I wouldn't do that to Bruce anyway, just as I 
>> would never do it to Heritage.
>> One of my best friends got into a very heated argument with me on what he 
>> considered me taking it easy on Heritage. Hey, I"m not taking it easy on 
>> anyone. I deal with facts and in Geraldine's case, I don't jhave enough FACT 
>> to say Heritage got posters they say they did not. I didn't believe my 
>> parents when they would say "you have to believe me because I say so" and 
>> I'm certaionly not going to agree with Geraldine under the same 
>> circumstances. I'll make up my own mind thank you.
>> No one I know is perfect. Not Grey Smith, not Geraldine Kudaka, not Bruce 
>> and certainly not myself.
>> This overly long post is only to add some reflection and pragmatism to that 
>> idea.
>> and now that that is done, I hope MoPo can stop being a battlefield between 
>> us and we can all live together peacefully, as we should, without people 
>> attacking each other. Geraldine has an issue with Heritage. I suggest 
>> Geraldine you let your attorney handle it with Heritage's attorney, so we 
>> can stop listening to it, and alot of other stuff..
>> Rich
>> PS: I think everyone should consign posters to Bruce when appropriate, to 
>> Grey Smith when appropriate, to Sean when appropriate and to myself as well. 
>> They are all honest (including myself) and I'm positive that none of the 
>> people mentioned wold intentially hurt anyone
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