Whilst Australia is a pretty big country it is sparsely populated, today we have just 23 million, back in 1940 there was only 7 million.

Of course that was the heyday of movie-going, back then there was about 1600 picture theatres covering some 1200 towns/suburb (estimate based on the 1950 count), and there there was only one screen per cinema. Today there are less cinemas, around 300 but with more screens, a little over 2,000 screens today.

How many posters were produced per film is the unknown - based on first hand information about printing movie posters and the above numbers we can probably safely estimate around 500-1,000 One Sheets were printed as a run by the printer (1,500-2,500 Daybills - which were more popular), so not a lot. WoZ may indeed have been popular but it did not enjoy an extended run of any note. It is possible that the poster was printed by a second printer; we do know the printer of the Bidll un-restored original was out of business by 1941, there is a different printer's name at the bottom of the other poster which no one can identify at this time.


Helmut Hamm wrote on 13/03/2015 5:15 AM:

the differences are obvious, but more likely than not, there’s a simple explanation. Australia is pretty large, and the movie was a big-budget release from a major studio. Now the posters MAY have been printed at a single facility, but there’s a good chance they were produced at more than one machine and/or at different times. For all I know, the movie was an immediate success, so additional posters may have been needed pretty fast.



Am 12.03.2015 um 19:06 schrieb David <shadow....@gmail.com <mailto:shadow....@gmail.com>>:

Thanks Allen

All good information, although I don't think it was the evil drink in this case that would explain all these the differences!


allen day wrote on 12/03/2015 10:26 PM:
Hi David,

I read the discussion and checked the pics provided. If there was only one printer (and one printing company location) for all the paper involved, it is obvious that the examples were manufactured at different times. However, the subtle differences can be due to different printers / locations / printing companies, as well as the restoration process.

I used to be a printer some time ago (1970s), on machines as small as an ABDick letterpress to as large as a Harris 35x45 or a Miehle 43x60. Large machines had their own platforms / walkways, and bars so the printer would not fall off the machine to prevent serious injury. All printers in those days were male and nearly all of the older printers were alcoholics. Differences in finished product (even in the same plant) could be due to (among others) different machines, printers, registration, ink, plates, paper quality, what time of day finished product was manufactured (printers were less concerned as they continued to drink all day), indoor temperature and air conditioning (yeah, humidity played a heckuva part in printing). Now ... nearly every difference has now been corrected by improved technology.


On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 1:52 AM, David <shadow....@gmail.com <mailto:shadow....@gmail.com>> wrote:

    There is some strong discussion going on in a forum about all
    many the differences between an original Wizard Of OZ
    un-restored one sheet sold on bidll.com <http://bidll.com/>
    recently and the linen backed one apparently sold some 12 years
    ago on HA.



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