* I confess I sometimes get a little depressed realizing that a life span is 
nearing its end - vs. being in the beginning or in the middle - during heady 
days when I cared less about the time unfurling ahead of me - and more about 
trying to OWN everything.

* There were "bumps" that caused me to downsize unrelated to aging - e.g., 
wildfire evacuations and the crazy exercise of toting out my fav framed 
one-sheets in less than ten minutes.

* But as decades pass and I realize my nostalgia doesn't line up with the 
nostalgia of younger generations - the urge to purge - (vs. letting your 
survivors cherry-pick through your stuff after you're gone) - gets stronger.

* When you've liquidated a few estates it hits some of us that we don't want to 
put our survivors through the hassle of choosing - and then dumping things they 
know little about - to Goodwill.

* So I think I'm like a lot of people in that what I have left today - has far 
more sentimental value than actual $$$ value - (or almost no dollar value).  
Two things that pull me out of my funk:

1) Gifting things to younger adults who express an appreciation to own movie 
memorabilia - thus giving them a gateway into a hobby that seems forbidden to 
them now - and hoping that if it takes hold like it did for me - it will grab 
them by the lapels and not peak for them - until they reach their late 40s 
through their 50s, and...

2) ...selling things - knowing that a future buyer will give them a good home - 
and will cherish them for however long they can - until they themselves - like 
I did - decide to move on.

* So while there's an element of sadness about divesting - I am in love with 
the idea of passing things down as a means of preserving them well after I'm 
gone.  And to feed my nostalgia - I can always look at photos of what I used to 
own "back in the day."  (See below.)

* I never got a chance to own any $$$ horror paper - simply because I could 
never afford it.  So I would say that my collection was likely a "mid-tiered" 
one - representing titles I really loved.

* Another aspect of getting older and divesting - is I can now show "a little 
bit" of what I used to own - without worrying about security issues - esp. now 
that the "gold" is gone. My lobby card collection is also gone but I used to 
own hundreds that aren't pictured here. -d.

P.S. - And almost everything I collected - with the exception of Beatles 
memorabilia and comic books - I purchased from dealers who are or were members 
of this very MOPO group!  (With the probable exception of the late Deke 
Richards and that couple who ran That's Entertainment" in PA - from whom I 
scored some incredible prizes!  I can't believe I've forgotten their names.  
Does anyone remember who I'm talking about?)





















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