But you are, Allen!  I use a full keyboard and just rattled off random names of 
people with whom I've written to or received personal notes from.  John Reid 
and John Hazelton and Alan Adler and Allen Day and a whole host of others like 
Tom and Sue and Greg and Kirb, pretty much the same group including the gallery 
owners like Sam and Matt.  I miss Adrian Cowdry the most perhaps because his 
emails were a riot.  I've long patched up my issues with the dealers from the 
late 90s and early 2000s who just couldn't stand my MCW-length essays but there 
are still a lot of people (nearly all dealers) - who aren't shy telling me I'm 
full of s### every time I show up.  Cheers!
From: allen day <aday5...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 5:42 AM
To: David Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>
Cc: MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu <MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Not responding

By the by .. you spelled my name incorrectly

A-L-L-E-N, not Alan

(aaand yes, I know I am not the guy mentioned in your post)


On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 8:00 AM David Kusumoto 
<davidmkusum...@hotmail.com<mailto:davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
* Well considering that Peter is the founder of MoviePosterExchange, of course 
he'd prefer that none of these complaints were brought up publicly in the first 
place. I didn't. Others did.  And of course he - and you, the owner of 
MoviePosterBid<https://www.mpb.auction/auctions/> - prefer that only people 
with complaints should talk about this - (in public) - while everyone else 
should keep their mouths shut.  Well, that's not gonna happen so long as you 
keep stringing things out with insults - over what I thought was a done deal.

* But guess what, you're not a complainant either. You're just an amicus brief 
for "aggrieved" merchants - while I see myself as being a friend to both 
customers AND merchants - armed with far less poison.  So your involvement, 
your whole line of argument is beyond contradictory - because it's a line 
travels a complete circle back to yourself, and you have a blind spot so big 
that you can't even see it.

* I've got no beef with Peter and regard him highly, at least compared to his 
former biz partner back in the day who had a promo for a famous Fritz Lang 
3-sheet that was seized shortly after it went up. I should have probably shut 
up about that too, huh.  Not my place, right?  But ok for the Hollywood
Reporter and other news outlets to chime in. *shrug*


* Meanwhile, you should clean up your own house of cards in relation to movie 
poster auctions - before defending or slagging the operations of any poster 
re-seller you love or hate. Your incessant defecation of movie posters as a 
terrible investment collectible in relation to other collectibles - is YOUR 
trademark message, at least compared to your stock in trade, i.e., comics. You 
never stop making this point - betwixt and between commenting on the news of 
the day as if you're Paul Krugman or Wm. F. Buckley. OK, point made, we get it, 
along with your over-use of the word, "analog" to compare different categories 
of collectibles like some high-falutin' art professor at Columbia. Don't really 

* You may have 40-60 years expertise as a hustler / salesman - but your public 
slagging of posters only arrives after several sputtering / failed 
merry-go-rounds on your part - trying to make a go of posters as a profitable 
auction enterprise for yourself.  Hence the reason why the "auction" portion of 
your creation, movieposterbid.com<https://www.mpb.auction/auctions/> - is a 
moribund reminder of that failure.  It's a fixed price site today - with no 
auctions for, well, maybe as long as three years now.  Guess there's no need to 
update that page.  There's always hope.

* Unlike the Bruces, the Greys, the two Johns, the Helmuts, the Sams, the Kirbs 
and Alans and Dales and on-and-on - (sorry to drag you guys into this but you 
are who I trust, no need to respond) - who continue to co-exist with great 
reputations among customers AND with fellow merchants. *Mensches all.*


* I know what people say about me is not complimentary. But when you're gonna 
die sooner rather than later, fewer years ahead than behind - you don't really 
care.  I do try to be fair.

* But I don't think you yourself really KNOWS what people say about you - and 
if you do - you likely wear your short-fuse temper like a self-hating badge of 
honor. You can't stop getting personal in your writing, in my view projecting 
an aura that suggests that you see yourself as a Tony Soprano hit-man or a 
self-appointed MoPo policeman - (a job that only belongs to Scott Burns) - to 
counterpoint or to kill anyone who disagrees by pounding them into tomorrow. So 
I'm trying that playbook in response to your latest insult to see how it feels 
- trying to not sound too crass.

* In my view, your rude articulation skills have never been a good look that 
persuades others who are armed with hilarious stories collected and shared 
about your own quirks, proclivities and tastes. But I guess this doesn't matter 
because you can't be hurt at MoPo because posters aren't your bag except to 
acquire something for yourself.

* Your aptitude for warm personal relations is a big fail, closer to a wannabe 
Lee J. Cobb character - (a great actor, BTW) - in "On the Waterfront," you 
know, "Hit 'em first before they hit you, every man for himself, we're a 
law-abiding union." (Furtively hides his guns in the safe.)  You humble brag 
your resume but it arrives shortly before you get fed up and use euphemisms 
for, "You're a dead man" - e.g., like that time you physically threatened 
another person on these boards - whose posts you didn't like. All documented.


* Your writing might be relatable to others of your type - but I don't think 
it's relatable to the customer equation - unless that customer is a re-seller 
YOU know personally. It exposes you as being egregiously one-sided with no flex 
for other opinions - even when contrarian opinions belong to merchants who are 
ALSO customers afflicted. I've no dog in this squabble otherwise. You could 
also make the case of staying quiet.  You did not.  Nor did I.  I think you 
jumped in only because I did first.

* I snickered when you bragged that you've been so helpful - while conceding 
you "can only do much" from your Vegas outpost. You humble-brag elsewhere about 
making millions - but you know, you really can't help anyone, really, even your 
friends - the flag you waved in your last post.

* So to me, what have you done?  Your help falls well short of my example when 
I tried - (but also failed) - to rescue Carol Tincup before she died - when she 
had similar issues falling behind trying to deliver services she promised - for 
which she took up-front deposits - but went silent and responded to NO ONE - 
even after her customers complained in public. Friend or not, I advised fellow 
merchants and collectors to hold off sending stuff until she cleared her 
backlog. If I knew how Jason operates, how his day unfolds - I might say the 
same but won't - because I don't.  I was just reflecting about customer 
complaints that go public when there are plenty of warning flags that go up 
well before they become "public knowledge."  This doesn't preclude me or ANYONE 
from weighing in about customer service issues - which can impact a small 
business's reputation and a client's dollars.


* I'm just bluster and words, a lowly member of the "peanut gallery," as you 
put it.  And in my view you're hardly MoPo's version of Joan of Arc, 
sacrificing yourself at the stake as if you're some titan, some noble dude - 
using your body and rep as a shield against interlopers like me - as if they 
need it, as if they can't speak for themselves, when I'm not parrying anyone 
with aggression like you routinely do.  Now you're doing it against me, a dude 
who's likely ALSO been around a helluva lot longer than you've been alive. You 
really think I'm clueless after nearly 30 years on MoPo.

* In sum - just three final words (maybe) - for you:

"You poor thing."


From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of sales comic-art.com<http://comic-art.com/> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: Not responding

thanks Peter,  and of course it's a fair point
Tommy Barr has a fair complaint, Sam has a fair complaint. David has no 

Jason is having trouble. I've tried helping him some, but I can only help so 
much from here. I hope he can get out from under. But you can be sure when some 
braying jackass comes out berating him, and with that "you owe the movie poster 
hobby Mister", that's baloney.

Jason doesn't owe anything to anyone other than the people who are buyers, or 
consignors and most especially to himself. Other people should indeed mind 
their own business

Jason can & will fix his own problems and shouldn't be dragged by some third 
party buttinsky, and when some sniveling simp is going to drag my friend, I'm 
going to speak up. David's childish reply only shows how much of a sniveling 
simp he is

shut up David. mind your own business

From: peter contarino 
Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 10:18 AM
To: David Kusumoto 
Cc: MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu<mailto:MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu> 
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Not responding

I am not defending Jason or Rich but it seems to me that Rich makes a fair 

From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of David Kusumoto 
Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Not responding

* To suggest you should not weigh in on any controversy surfacing on a public 
forum - unless you yourself are directly impacted - suppresses opinions from 
members who have no stake in the outcome - or - that you yourself are a 

* However frowned upon, all members - myself and others below this post 
included - can weigh in - or not. I'm not from the school that says people 
should shut up unless they're personally aggrieved. That view - suggests some 
are taking sides anyway even when they say they're not.

* I strongly believe disputes which go public - ALWAYS occur as a last resort - 
after weeks or months of frustration KNOWN by all parties.  Does anyone doubt 
this?  We hear publicly from the merchant being queried - only AFTER a second 
customer this week weighs in more forcefully than about being ghosted.


* 𝗜 𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿. Below was the first time I weighed on this 
merchant whose name has surfaced not once, but multiple times in 2023 alone. If 
it happens once, no one cares. Happens twice, maybe some concern. Three times 
or more - that's a potential "pattern" linked to health or other issues beyond 
anyone's control. Or maybe not.

* Merchants know this when a customer refuses to pay and has a history of 
ghosting other merchants. Just because they're stellar for you - doesn't mean 
they've been stellar for everyone. Customers know this too - when they pay or 
query a merchant and discover later that they're not alone receiving less than 
satisfactory responses, presuming they get any.


* Remember the Carol Tincup issue (RIP)? She was a great restorer. Numerous 
dealers and customers wrote on MoPo about non-delivery of their posters.

* No one was explaining broadly - what was going on. So I did because I dealt 
with her. She had one of my items for more than a year but I stayed quiet about 
it - because I wanted it back and felt she could still do it. We spoke on the 
phone a lot. She had knee problems.  Customers took their complaints to MoPo 
not knowing this.  I did not know until other clients brought her up on MoPo - 
that I wasn't the only person waiting to hear from her.

* I told her that she needs to tell people her situation, that people are 
forgiving about everything except intentional silence, that she is risking her 
reputation in our small community. When people go public like this, it can mean 
that others are seeing just the tip of an iceberg.  I was extremely 
sympathetic.  In my last emails and voice mails to her - I begged her to take 
my damage control advice. I spent an entire week leaving her messages.  She 
ghosted me.  At that moment, I wrote off in my head that what she had that was 
mine - was a complete loss.

* It was only then - that I issued my public "opinion" - that people should 
hold off sending her more stuff until her backlog was cleared and her ongoing 
problems with merchants were resolved.  I only found out she was angry with me 
- when my unfinished poster and a refund arrived in the mail 2 weeks later.  I 
called her instantly. She had blocked my number.  She refused to see that while 
there are two sides to everything - that ghosting causes people to think worst 
case scenarios. She had good reasons for her backlog.  But via MoPo I 
discovered she had many customers waiting months to hear ANYTHING from her who 
were in the dark.  I knew why but others didn't.  I didn't think that was fair. 
 I wasn't going to write individual emails to every complainant.


* There is no such thing as a convenient time to have such problems. Anyone who 
goes public with them - has likely thought about the consequences of asking 
others "out loud" - if they know what's going on. And someone in the 
"community" knows - even if they won't say. I bet there is someone besides the 
merchant in question who knows - but isn't saying - or is contacting people 
looking for answers privately.

* That's what this group does best.  And sometimes public opinions from others 
- is the cheapest solution to group-think inertia.

From: peter contarino 
Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 10:18 AM
To: David Kusumoto 
Cc: MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu<mailto:MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu> 
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Not responding

I am not defending Jason or Rich but it seems to me that Rich makes a fair 

From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of David Kusumoto 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: Not responding

Huh, odd to get a public insult from a lonely life form that writes like it 
goes to bed each night with spasms of self-loathing, chewing on its own spine.  

From: sales comic-art.com<http://comic-art.com/> 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 8:00 PM
Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com<mailto:davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>>
Subject: Re: Not responding

so do you have any unfinished business with Jason, or are you just the peanut 
gallery mouthing off again?

From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of David Kusumoto 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: Addendum - Not responding

ADDENDUM to Friday, September 29, 2023 6:03 PM PT post:  BTW, I didn't mean to 
imply that only merchants are at fault.  There are customers who abuse their 
relationship with merchants - and feedback extortion or "give me what I want or 
else" threats do occur.  There are customers who are never satisfied unless 
they get their money back AND push to keep items they don't want - and - on top 
of that they want more $$ to compensate for their mental anguish or some other 
vague aggravation.  Word can and should spread about customers who are 
persistent headaches - as a "subjective advisory" for others on both sides of 
the seller and buyer equation.  It's why a customer or merchant who complains 
in public - can be countered with customers / merchants who describe "stellar 
experiences."  Yelp is not always a reliable forum to get a true picture of 
performance - nor is MoPo - but if patterns surface more than a few times among 
diverse customers and merchants - then that's what they are, "patterns." - d.

-----Original comment below-----
From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of David Kusumoto 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Not responding

How about responding to the whole group as well - to avoid adverse consequences 
to your business model in relation to the 250+ members of the MoPo group?

The following is my opinion and not necessarily fact:

When people use any public forum to resolve issues, it's almost ALWAYS the 
course of last resort.  It means unresolved issues have been festering for 
weeks, months or even longer.

When a customer or customers go public - it's because they're on the edge of 
desperation.  And if the merchant in question responds with something like - 
"We apologize for the delay and someone will get back to you tomorrow" - well, 
that has about as much credibility as saying, "the check is in the mail" or "I 
never got any of your messages."

* If delays are due to family or health issues which can't be helped, people 
are very forgiving up to a point.

But if service / delivery issues recur and are spread across more than 1-2 
customers who say "yeah, me too" - a merchant then loses control of his or her 
story and any effort to resolve problems one-on-one - go out the window.  The 
problems convert into something broader that involves staying liquid and saving 
the business over reputational issues beyond a merchant's control - because 
future potential customers - are now likely to pause before forking over future 
dollars for services reported as being undelivered or being unsatisfactory.  
Meanwhile, other customers in limbo - will stay quiet - because they want their 
money back - and if they do - they eventually join the "never again" 
bad-word-of-mouth campaign that spreads like wildfire.   This is why a damn 
good explanation is required that makes sense.

* Merchants who feel targeted - understand this principle better when the 
tables are turned.  For example, you send me $300 for a flat-panel TV and I 
convert it quickly into cash and I then cancel my accounts to block future 
charge backs / refunds - and then ghost a pile of voice mails from people 
asking, "Sorry to bother you but why the delay?"  The aforementioned is 
hyperbole, but customers and merchants aren't mind-readers - and worst case 
scenarios pop into their heads, even if they're off.  But if you heard that I 
have more than 1-2 customers griping about my services or products - even 
politely - you're unlikely to think too much of my reliability score.  -d.

From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of Jason Edgerley <jasonedger...@gmail.com<mailto:jasonedger...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Not responding

Yes the website is down and trying to remedy the problem and get orders out.
Todd and Tommy I will be in touch tomorrow.

On Sep 29, 2023, at 7:24 PM, Todd Feiertag 
<toddfeier...@msn.com<mailto:toddfeier...@msn.com>> wrote:

"...is anyone having problems with movieposterexchange?"

HA!!  I paid for several items last April and NEVER received them.

I've emailed Jason at least three times.  He originally responded that he would 
send them out after he got back from the Columbus show on Memorial Day Weekend 
but that never happened.

Emailed him several times afterwords with NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER!!

I just checked and now it looks like the website is down.

Not sure if it's too late to dispute the charge as it's been 5 months now but I 
plan on doing that with my credit card company.

From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of Tommy Barr <tommymb...@gmail.com<mailto:tommymb...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 7:17 PM
Subject: [MOPO] Not responding

I had hoped that it wouldn't be necessary to ask this again, but is anyone 
having problems with movieposterexchange?



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