Assign the question to the students.  Have them write 500 words
about what quality is in thought and statement. For many students the
assignment has a shocking effect that makes them more responsive to
the word later on in the course.  Instructors should try the
assignment themselves first to know what the shock is like.


Good idea, Bob, I'll give it a try.  Problem though, when the instructor has
already stuffed the student's head with  ideas about that very question,
it's hard to imagine  any hope that the student is going to be able to say
too much of surprising interest in such gone-over ground, thus little hope
of any "shock", but here goes.  500 words translates to a bit more than
thirty lines, in the window I've got open now.  That means three paragraphs
of ten lines each and I'm already more than half done with the first.   No
problem, professor.

Quality in thought and statement.  That's a tough one, it really is.
 There's lots of surface stuff - accuracy in grammer, logical construction,
rhythmically dextrous vocabulary , pulse of words -  poeisi  of ideas which
beguile and persuade, but when I say any work is really good  I mean more
than all that.  Quality in expression, in my experience, signifies a match
with my needs.  Something  I'm looking for without even knowing it. Hopeful
signs that  there are answers to my questions; signifying a  prodding to my
progress.   Connecting  me, with words, with some other person on the other
side of all words and signs,  whose words make sense - and that same sense
is in me.  Evidently its also in them.  A shared sense then.   A connection
beyond mere grammer's purview or control.

Quality in thought and statement, is a shared sense.

There's this guy on this forum I belong to, goes by "Xacto" who said it most
succinctly (but then he wasn't addressing the challenge of producing 500
words on the topic at the time, merely the Fear of Death)

I think the best explanations are those that help us
redefine our reasons each time.


And I'd only add, "for the better".  We redefine our reasons, for better
reasons.  That's Quality in thought and statement and I can't describe it
any better than that. Even to fulfill the conditions of the assignment.

 I'd rather sacrifice an 'A" than screw up  good rhetoric with padding.
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