I use my intellect all the time. I like to.  It's fun.  So what?   

For me the MoQ designates Reality = Quality.  Quality, for me, is experienced 
as unpatterned and patterned.     -     All the "talking" about the MoQ and 
Quality are a second-hand intellectualizing and NOT the first-hand 
knowing/experience of either.  What's not to get?  You want to think meditation 
is clap-trap, then don't excited with me that you do not understand.   You are 
really funny.   Here try this:

Not this
Not -this
Not (this and -this)

Not (neither this nor -this)


On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:09 PM, david buchanan wrote:

> Marsha:
> You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't see the 
> problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to miss, even 
> for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely insulting. 
> It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have responded with a 
> childish evasion.
> Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular kind 
> of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy, then how 
> can the whole intellectual level be defined as "a formalized subject/object 
> level (SOM)"? 
> How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like defining 
> "food" as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie. 
> And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the first 
> place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the 
> ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and the 
> like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not to 
> understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to read 
> and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking. Marsha's 
> definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
> That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I 
> characterized your reasoning as "spectacularly bad" and "spectacularly 
> stupid" but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise 
> explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could have 
> understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual substance of 
> it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern. Insult and evade, 
> insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is there? You are 
> literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence mean absolutely 
> nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can cling to such a 
> conspicuously contradictory construction without embarrassment. 
> Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.
> Therefore:
> Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of d in 
> recent historic times?
> C'mon. Anyone can see how spectacularly bad that reasoning is, right? It's 
> not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with it is very 
> clear, no? 
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