Republicans do not believe in a government controlled economy, so no.  At
its root, Democrats have more fascist principles, look it up.

This Republican and Democrat analogy does not extend to the parties of the
'30s.  Many left-wing positions can be considered very conservative and
visa-versa.  There is a danger in trying to label any such movements as one
side or the other, it simply provides the wrong categorization which is
based on extremes.  I am more left wing than right, and I support the tea
party movement.  Such a movement is trying to progress out of the
totalitarian direction this country is moving.  Progress for me means one
which moves towards individual freedom.  Government or Monarchy or
dictatorship, etc, control is old stuff.  Let's be progressive.  Fascism was
considered liberal as was communism or socialism.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:19 PM, <> wrote:

> [Steve]
> > Mussolini's party was The Republican Fascist Party?  does this mean that
> Republicans are fascists?
> I don't think it's disputed that Mussolini's Party was fascist.
> Craig
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