Hi John,

According to the Big Bang theory, codependent arising happened during
the first instance of creation, that is the formation of matter and
anti-matter.  As the theory goes, there was just a little bit more
matter than anti-matter, so that by the time one second came around,
all the anti-matter was annihilated, and we were left with matter.
So, while this somewhat conforms to your codependent arising, it does
need a slight imbalance..  This would correlate well with your premise
of reality, since there is a constant dance which implies imbalance.
The same can be seen with the predator-prey analogy, they are never
quite in sync or static, but constantly going through a over/under

So, codependent arising with inherent imbalance.  Could that imbalance
be called Quality?  I think it can.  What do you think?


On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:39 AM, John Carl <ridgecoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ham and Craig,
> Here's a place for the concept of "codependent arising" if I ever saw one.
> Is it at all possible to imagine a creator without any creation?   I'd say
> not.  Therefore it seems to me, that those who are most vociferous about the
> existence of God, are actually arguing for the existence of themselves.
> John
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 9:49 PM, Ham Priday <hampd...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On Friday, 1/14/11 at 9:34 PM, Craig craig...@comcast.net wrote:
>>  [Ham]
>>>> Agnosticism concerning the primary source amounts to
>>>> nihilism, since if you don't believe in a creator,
>>>> how can you believe in the illusion it creates?
>>> IMHO the concept of a creator doesn't have much
>>> explanatory power, since a creator cannot create itself.
>> Your assertion is based on the cause-and-effect precept of finitude in
>> space/time which, in metaphysical ontogency, leads to the paradox of
>> infinite regression.  The Absolute Source does not "create itself".  Essence
>> is uncreated, unconditional, and immutable.
>> Essentially speaking,
>> Ham
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