Hi Craig,

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:17 PM,  <craig...@comcast.net> wrote:
> [Craig, previously]
>> An eccentric magician invites you to play a game.> The game consists of 2 
>> boxes & 2 buttons.
>> He puts the same amount of money--either> $0 or $1000--in each of the 2 
>> boxes.> If you push the right-hand button you get the
>> money in the right hand box.  If you push the left-hand button
>> you get the money in both the right-hand & the left-hand boxes.
>>  Before you play, he confides to you
>> that he can read the minds of the players & he lets you watch> several 
>> rounds of the game. Each time he puts no money in the
>> boxes, the player pushes the left-hand button & each time he
>> puts $1000 in both boxes, the player pushes the right-hand button.
>> Now it's your turn.  Which button do you push?
> [Steve]> The right-hand button?
> This answer is irrational.  If you think that you will get $1000 by pushing 
> the right-hand button,
> then you should think you will get $2000 by pushing the left-hand button.

But the magician would know if I were going to do that, and I only need $1000.

> [Steve]
>> Do you see this "power to choose" as the possession of man but not > other 
>> animals?

> Humans have a feedback mechanism.

I agree that humans can consider past events and project into the
future, and animals probably can't. But why think this ability is more
free than a bird's ability to flap its wings and fly--something that
humans can't do? A wider repertoire of behaviors doesn't imply more
freedom unless that is all you mean by freedom of will.

>Once we form an intention/decide, we can consider
> the consequences of doing/not doing the action & then are free to change our 
> mind based
> on this feedback.  Animals that cannot do this, do not have free will.

You assert that we are free to change our minds upon reflection. How
do I know that we have any choice but to change our minds upon
reflection and to reflect in the first place if conditions dictate?
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