Tuukka said to dmb:
... But I think it's better to recruit new members, somehow, than to complain 
to the current ones.

dmb says:
There's no way to know for sure but I strongly suspect that a number of Pirsig 
fans have become excited about joining this forum but investigated the level of 
conversation going on here and were discouraged from joining because of what 
they found. In other words, I'll bet that lots of people have looked into it, 
found way too much drivel and decided that joining this forum would be a waste 
of time.

So who do we want here? I didn't say anything when I joined here the first time, maybe in 2005, because I thought the discussion was beyond me. Do you think things have changed?

In any case, it's nice to want. Words are one thing, actions another. Complaining about the natural course of discussion on this mailing list decreases our appeal further.

Tuukka said:
I sure would like to improve the level of this forum. I haven't been active 
here for such a long time. You know, maybe if Mark or Matt were still 
interested of the things they once were, and met me now, maybe we could 
cooperate a lot. Maybe a new Mark or Matt will come. Despite criticizing the 
level of discussion here, I'd like to thank Mark for some excellent and recent 

dmb says:
See, now that particular piece of praise makes me very skeptical about your 
ability to discern intellectual quality. They both disagree with Pirsig in 
profound ways but only one of them ever made any sense. One of them is bright, 
well-read and reasonable and the other isn't even close. One is polite to a 
fault and the other is a socially oblivious egomaniac. This is exactly the sort 
of thing I was complaining about; the inability to distinguish philosophical 
ideas from psychotic drivel.                                     

I have only judged Mark and Matt according to whether they have been useful to me. That is, I do not require them to hold what I would consider correct opinions. I would be really nasty towards everyone if I did require that.

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