Hi David B and All,

"Entity and function" are strange bedfellows

On 10/18/13 9:01 AM, "david buchanan" <dmbucha...@hotmail.com> wrote:

David quotes Wiliam James:

> To deny plumply that consciousness exists seems so absurd on the face of it ‹
> for undeniably thoughts do exist ‹ that I fear some readers will follow me no
> farther. Let me then immediately explain that I mean only to deny that the
> word stands for an entity, but to insist most emphatically that it does stand
> for a function.

Consciousness, awareness of oneself and ones surroundings.  In a DQ/SQ
metaphysics the indefinable is experienced.  The awareness in
"consciousness" is experienced.  How far do I push it?


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