And to celebrate 10 years at the MD, 'MD: Metaphysician Heal Thyself'.   The 
theme might be how character building it has been to hangout cybernetically 
with a bunch of intellectually- minded, zen men.  I can use RMP quotes and bits 
& pieces of MD dialogue.  Indeed, some of the dialogue has been great, others 
not so great.  The juxtaposition:  pricelesss!  

Ahh Luna,,, still quite full...  

On Dec 19, 2013, at 4:19 AM, MarshaV <> wrote:

And for LILA there will be created 'The Lila Journal'.....   

On Dec 19, 2013, at 4:14 AM, MarshaV <> wrote:


Just ordered a used library copy of zAmm to use the pages for creating art 
journal.  Being a bibliophile it is always painful to destroy a book, and I 
have a great love for this book in particular, but what the heck!!!   Soooo 
symbolic.  Not as dramatic as tattooing a paragraph on my body, but more 
personal in so many ways.  

Btw, if you were to tattoo a paragraph, which would it be?  And why?   


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