I agree with Rasheed. The "War on Drugs" is immoral. Partly for the reasons 
Rasheed mentioned, and I think also because it's targeting the wrong people 
and groups of people. The US government believes that the war on drugs can 
be won if they rid the US of drug barons getting drugs into the states and 
stop people from selling drugs, etc. They do this mainly by just throwing 
them in jail. But there aren't enough jails to hold all these people, and 
even if there were, as soon as you threw all the dealers and traffickers in 
jail, more would come and take their place, because as long as drug trade is 
illegal, it's an extremely lucrative business. When something is in such 
high demand with so little supply, dealers can charge as much as they want 
to. The solution would obviously be to target the users, and I don't mean 
target them by throwing them in jail. What users would need in any case like 
this one (and there are many cases in many different contexts) is to have 
morals instilled that this is wrong and unhealthly and dangerous, etc. etc. 


I don't think that drugs are wrong. I think drugs should be legalized, or 
more to my personal opinion, un-illegalized. I'm not saying the government 
should condone the use of drugs, that's not their place. But it is also not 
their place to say that I can't smoke some dope whenever I feel like it. Now 
if I shoot up some heroine and then go down and shoot someone because I was 
tripping out or something, sure, the government should intervene. But only 
because I endangered someone else's wellbeing and infringed upon their 
rights. Not because I was on heroine when I did it.

I think drugs are great, personally. I think it's bad when people get 
addicted to them, but hey, what is there in the world that you can't get 
addicted to? In most SOM viewpoints, only biological things cause 
addictions. But as per MOQ, any level could cause any addiction. From being 
addicted to the internet (social), to being addicted to drugs (biological) 
to any of the other levels (I can't think of an intellectual addiction 
offhand. Perhaps our unhealthy addiction to the MOQ discussion ;) ).

So, in conclusion, do drugs. If you want to that is. But at least try it 
once. Sure, if you try some hard cocaine your first time, you might get 
addicted or OD, so don't do those things. It's pretty common sense kind of 
stuff... It's just that media and government have tried to really make you 
believe that you really don't want to do drugs, even some that aren't so bad 
(and there are some that aren't so bad!).


>It seems that drug use IS becoming an inextricable part of Western culture 
>The war on drugs to me is immoral.  First of all, it costs ludicrous 
>of money.  It also puts offenders in jail, possibly separating them a 
>with no other means of support.  And in Amsterdam, where drugs are legal,
>less teens do drugs.  I personally have no problems with drugs, if they are
>used intelligently (some of you might argue that there's no way to do 
>which basically means that they dont harm others or themselves for that
>matter.  Maybe the war on drugs is a social pattern dominating an
>intellectual one.  but im still thinking about how moral of an intellectual
>pattern drug use is.
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