Wim Nusselder and all,
Wim Nusselder wrote:
> Analogous to that, I think that experiencing DQ may be fun for the drug user, but is not relevant for the world at large. It
> can't latch onto a (new) static pattern  of value, because it is forced on the user without any context of social and
> intellectual patterns that get the credit for the fun and can be induced to migrate (to  partly break up and change for the
> better). Use of peyote in the Native American church is a different thing, for it has such a context of social and intellectual
> patterns.
A couple of questions:
Don't you think that those of us from a Western culture should be free to modify that culture to suit our needs?
Would you call the current US government's "War on Drugs" not relevant to the world at large?
Would you say that Psychedelic music was not a static pattern of value?
Wim Nusselder:
> Why use drugs? If what I experience is real and if it is possible to experience it also in more culturally acceptable ways
> (even if they are more difficult), these other ways are better, because they enable me to convince others (and myself)
> that my experience is veracious and worthy of application.
Do you think it reasonable to compare two experiences, one of which you know admit to never having experienced?

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