
I don't want to re-open the socialist thread, as it is very recent, and I think
your position is almost the same than other's, especially Platt's. Just, Platt
seemed to be a little more disposed to listen to the others. I'm here as I've
not understood one thing:

> Sure let's absolve the Nigerian government of all responsibility to act in a
> moral and ethical way.  I think his post is the most condesending rascist
> screed i've read all week.

The term rascist is not in my dictionary. I'm wondering if you were meaning
racist or fascist....   Indeed, even if I'm Italian, fascist would be bizarre,
after I've been blamed as socialist, just because I'm critic to an excessive
freedom of the market. But racist is also more bizarre. I accuse the oil
companies (very white, I'd say, and both American and European, just to show I'm
not merely accusing the USA) to exploit the African people (very black,
seemingly) and this is racism? Maybe, against the whites. Leaving racism aside,
I advise you to document yourself about Nigeria, and the side effects of certain

«For a private company,  which has to realize investments, it is necessary a
stable situation... dictatorships can provide that»
(N. Achebe, general manager of Shell Oil Company in Nigeria, 1995 A.D. -
Explaining why Shell was supporting the military government of Nigeria - Quoted
in "Patas Arriba" by Eduardo Galeano 1998. My translation)

Said that, if it can be of help, a point we reached in the recent
socialism/capitalism thread, far from being a conclusion, is that the MOQ can
well find good aspects both in the American libertarianism and in the typical
social-democratic European systems, where the market, far from being
extinguished, is a bit more controlled.  It must be that, or it would be hard to
explain while intelligent MOQers like 3wDave, Clarke, Platt and Roger and others
are anti socialists,  while likewise intelligent MOQers like Horse, Jonathan,
Gerhard, Andrea and others are socialists.


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