Dear Dan,
In your 26/6 17:37 -0500 post you counter my disappointment in Pirsig ("He ... 'closes up an opening to attack' on his MoQ when interpreted as merely an intellectual pattern of value, but leaves countless others. In the process it widens the chasm between the empirical and rational modes of knowing ... and the spiritual mode of knowing") with a story with the moral (in your interpretation) "Sometimes ... it is best simply to rejoice in what you have been given.".
So I should give up (at least this time) my pursuit of spiritual knowledge and my hope of using the MoQ as a vehicle and be content with the MoQ as merely an intellectual pattern of value? I'm afraid I can't and (as I have argued in the "Religion/God ~ MoQ/DQ"-thread) I think no human being can be fully human without jumping to the moon(s) of DQ/God in one way or another.
I would still like to know to what extent my analogy "Biological/Social/Intellectual evolution can be seen as a process by which weak Dynamic forces at a subatomic/subcellular/individual level discover stratagems for overcoming huge static inorganic/biological/social forces at a superatomic/supercellular/collective level." is still a valuable reflection of 'reality' (intellectual pattern) and/or a meaningful insight in your opinion.
You write "Sorry for the confusion, but sometimes one must work for answers. I could attempt to answer your questions but that would do either of us little good. We'd just get into a debate. You must answer them for yourself, as must we all."
Isn't a debate (including exchange of experience and stories) a way of working for answers together? I will find my own answers in due course and will try to explain them to you then, but wouldn't it be 'better' to work for and reach them together?
With friendly greetings,
Wim Nusselder

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