Dear Dan,
You wrote 28/6 1:13 -0500:
"If you really want my advice, yes. Give up your pursuit [of Dynamic Quality]. It has been my experience that the 'spirit' which we believe we pursue will find us more righteous unaware. Just do [static] good."
I agree. The religions I value all teach this. God seeks us, just let yourself be found. "Just do [static] good." also amounts to "You free yourself from static patterns by putting them to sleep. That is, you master them with such proficiency that they become an unconscious part of your nature. You get so used to them you completely forget them and they are gone. There in the center of the most monotonous boredom of static ritualistic patterns the Dynamic freedom is found." (Lila ch. 30).
So "pursuing" Dynamic Quality should be understood in the limited sense of "being ready for it when it occurs", not identifying overmuch with static patterns of value so Dynamic Quality when it finds us won't be experienced only as a threat to static good and be filtered away from our conscious experience. As I quoted from Quaker advises in my 29/6 23:37 +0200 post to John: "Are you open to new light, from whatever source it may come?"
With friendly greetings,
Wim Nusselder

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