But you can't dismiss that:

"Hello," he said.
"Hello," she said back.
"I hear you want to go back."
She looked down. Guilt. This was the first time he had ever seen her look
He said, "I think it's a very bad mistake."
She still looked down.
"Why are you going back?"
Lila looked up and then finally said, "I wanted to go with you. You don't know
how bad. But now I've changed my mind. There are a lot of things I want to do
Phaedrus said, "There's nothing but trouble waiting for you back there."
"I know that, but they need me."
"My mother and everybody"
He looked at her. "Well," he wanted to ask, [....] "What's changed?, [...] Did
Rigel put you up to this? [...] Do you know what's going to happen to you back
there? Is this some kind of suicide? My God, Lila, you haven't done one single
solitary smart thing since the moment I met you, do you know that? [...] "
But he didn't say all this. He just sat there like a child at a funeral,
watching her. [...]
"You're ABSOLUTELY SURE?" he said.
Lila looked at him for a long time. He waited for a flicker of doubt to appear
and waited some more but she just sat there and then she said it so quietly he
could hardly hear it .... "I'm all right...." [...]
He couldn't think of anything.
Finally he got up and said, "Okay".
He climbed up to the deck where Rigel was standing. [...]
As Phaedrus watched him start up his boat's engine he felt somewhat dumbstruck.
He crossed over to his own boat, helped Rigel cast off the lines and then
watched with a strange sort of paralysis as Rigel's boat turned and then headed
back north across the bay.

(end of Chapter 31)

Bye, Marco

----- Original Message -----
From: "Platt Holden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: MD Pirsig's hypocrisy

> Hi Marco:
> Phaedrus tries uselessly to convince her (Lila) to stay with him, and is
> sad when she goes (ch. 31), so he is not selfish.
> He stood on a mound of sand beside the juniper bushes and said,
> "Ahhhh!" He threw out his arms. Free! No idols, no Lila, no Rigel, no
> New York, no more America even. Just free!  (Lila, Chp. 32)
> Platt
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