Chapter 6: More Complex Examples in the User's Guide for the latest version of Morpheus et al. ( shows how to do this via batch processing.

More common landmarks are much better, but this worked for croc skulls with only three. Actually, this surprised me since when I tried this years ago with three landmarks, the computations collapsed the data into the three-landmark plane.


On 9/18/14 6:08 AM, Gaëtan Bourgeois wrote:
Hello everybody,

I did acquisition of 3D landmarks (about skulls) with a Microscribe in 2
views (superior and inferior) and I have to put together these series now.
I know I need to do multiregression but I don't know how exactly I have
to proceed.
Is anyone can help me to do this?
Other question: what is the best freeware for 3D landmarks treatment in
your opinion?

Thank you, have a nice day!

Gaëtan Bourgeois
PhD Student
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, ED 544, UR MEDI-TERRA
Centre Européen de Recherche Préhistorique de Tautavel, UMR CNRS 7194
Avenue Léon-Jean Grégory

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