My sample size is 147 not either 9 or 7 in any case. I agree that the
computer displays these numbers! don't know why?

Nevertheless, in this analysis the number of specimens (dependent shape
variable) is 147, obviously, with the equal number of observations for each
independent variables (here, we used two factors ind$Stages and ind$Location

 It is interesting to note that I am getting good results using single
factor Manova; dependent shape variable over, either  ind$stages or
ind$location, at a given time,  though with/without interactions as well. Even,
it works fine with more factors if I model without any effect of
interaction, and the results are given below

> Paint<-procD.lm(coords ~ Csize + ind$Stages + ind$Location, data = 
> Paintgeo147, iter = 9999, RRPP = FALSE, print.progress = FALSE, int.first = 

> Paint3factor


procD.lm(f1 = coords ~ Csize + ind$Stages + ind$Location, iter = 9999,

    RRPP = FALSE, int.first = FALSE, data = Paintgeo147,
print.progress = FALSE)

Type I (Sequential) Sums of Squares and Cross-products

Randomization of Raw Values used

10000 Permutations

              Df      SS       MS      Rsq       F      Z Pr(>F)

Csize          1 0.04688 0.046880 0.064257 13.4431 7.9867  1e-04 ***

ind$Stages     4 0.17575 0.043938 0.240899 12.5994 8.3726  1e-04 ***

ind$Location   1 0.01871 0.018713 0.025650  5.3662 3.2145 0.0042 **

Residuals    140 0.48822 0.003487

Total        146 0.72956


Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

The main issue, here, is that somehow I don’t know how to use the proper
command to quantify effects of interaction, say for example ind$Stages:
ind$Location, Csize: ind$Stages, Csize: ind$Locations... etc. ????

Thanks for spending your time and effort!

Looking forward



On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 12:05 AM, Mike Collyer <> wrote:

> OK, this error is indicating you have variables of different size - one
> with 9 and one with 7.  This does not appear to be because of the int.first
> issue, but rather that you introduced a new variable with a different
> number of observations.  Also, I’m not sure what kind of result you expect
> with such a complex model and so few observations.  It might not work,
> anyway, because the number of independent variables exceeds the number of
> observations.  Just a warning.
> Mike
> On May 17, 2018, at 2:19 PM, mahendiran mylswamy <>
> wrote:
> Hi Mike
> Thanks indeed for the quick response.
> error messages are given below
> > PSfact<-procD.lm(coords ~ Csize * ind$Stages * ind$Location, data =
> rough, iter = 99, RRPP = FALSE, int.first = TRUE, print.progress = FALSE)
> Error in data.frame(df, SS, MS, Rsq = R2, F = Fs) :
>   arguments imply differing number of rows: 9, 7
> In addition: Warning message:
> In SS/df : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 6:22 PM, Mike Collyer <> wrote:
>> Mahen,
>> Can you be specific with the error statement?  It might not me related to
>> the int.first use but more so how you set up your formula.  If ind$Stages
>> and ind$Location are in the data frame, you are asking R to create a model
>> matrix from dat in an environment within another environment.  This might
>> cause some problems.
>> Please let us know what the error says, and we can see if it is obvious.
>> Cheers!
>> Mike
>> On May 17, 2018, at 8:22 AM, mahendiran mylswamy <>
>> wrote:
>> Dear All.
>> I did a single and multi-factor Manova, through Geomorph package in R,
>> using the following commands given below, it is working fine!
>> *Paint1factor <-procD.lm (coords ~ Csize*indep1$Stages, data =
>> Paintgeo147, iter = 9999, RRPP = FALSE, print.progress = FALSE)*
>> *Paint3factor<-procD.lm(coords ~ Csize + ind$Stages + ind$Location, data
>> = Paintgeo3fac, iter = 99, RRPP = FALSE, print.progress = FALSE, int.first
>> = FALSE)*
>> HOWEVER,  when I did the multifactor Manova  to check the interaction
>> effects, using the command, though i inserted int.first = false,  somehow
>> it’s not working often shows error
>> *Paint3factor<-procD.lm(coords ~ Csize * ind$Stages * ind$Location, data
>> = Paintgeo3fac, iter = 99, RRPP = FALSE, print.progress = FALSE, int.first
>> = FALSE)*
>> apart from changing, + to *, inserting int.first, any other stuff to be
>> added?
>> Please help me :(
>> Thanks in Advance!
>> Truly
>> Mahen
>> --
>> ***************************************
>> M Mahendiran, Ph D
>> Scientist - Division of Wetland Ecology
>> Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON)
>> Anaikatti (PO), Coimbatore - 641108, TamilNadu, India
>> Tel: 0422-2203100 (Ext. 122), 2203122 (Direct), Mob: 09787320901
>> Fax: 0422-2657088
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> ***************************************
> M Mahendiran, Ph D
> Scientist - Division of Wetland Ecology
> Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON)
> Anaikatti (PO), Coimbatore - 641108, TamilNadu, India
> Tel: 0422-2203100 (Ext. 122), 2203122 (Direct), Mob: 09787320901
> Fax: 0422-2657088
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email

M Mahendiran, Ph D
Scientist - Division of Wetland Ecology
Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON)
Anaikatti (PO), Coimbatore - 641108, TamilNadu, India
Tel: 0422-2203100 (Ext. 122), 2203122 (Direct), Mob: 09787320901
Fax: 0422-2657088

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