On Tuesday 2002-07-09 16:53 -0700, Asa Dotzler wrote:
> > You're not really seriously suggesting that mozilla.org/catalog was 
> > useful or well maintained, are you? 
> oops, I meant to say "...that mozilla.org/docs/ was useful or well 
> maintained...." I do believe that /catalog _is_ and /docs isn't.

I think docs is better maintained than catalog is, yes.  The reason it's
better-maintained is that it's much smaller (since it doesn't attempt to
duplicate all the other index pages around), and therefore much easier
to maintain.  I think it's also more useful than catalog is, at least
for people who are looking for technical developer documentation.


L. David Baron        <URL: http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~dbaron/ >

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