Simon Paquet wrote:
I've written a document for new bug triagers who just obtained their
canconfirm or editbug privileges in

The document covers most of what a bug triager can or should do and what
he should not do. The document can be found at

What problem is this document trying to solve? Are there are large number of cases of people misusing their privileges? What are the most common mistakes people make?

The instructions for upgrading privileges should match those outlined on .

You should make a concerted effort to make the document say as little as possible. The longer it is, the less people are likely to read it. If someone gets something wrong, "It's in the Privilege Guide, Page 3, Paragraph 7" is not a particularly helpful response.

A few persons have already reviewed it, but I would appreciate it if the
wider public would also take a look at it before I check it in on

Are you sure there are not already documents on covering this topic? Somewhere around, for example, ?


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