And on the seventh day Gervase Markham spoke:

>> The problem, that there is no documentation about what people should or
>> should not do when having privileges. 
>What about the Bugzilla Etiquette document?

I grant you that. But the etiquette doc is only about what people should
not do and is aimed mainly at people commenting in bugs. My text takes a
different approach. But you're right, my text should utilize what is said
on the etiquette doc.

>> At the moment people have to tell
>> future triagers the same stuff everytime they upgrade permissions.
>Who is upgrading permissions regularly apart from me?

Asa and I upgraded quite a few permissions on the last bugday and this
will probably continue with the next bugday.

>>>Are there are large number of cases of people misusing their privileges? 
>>>What are the most common mistakes people make?
>> - People abuse the flags, when they shouldn't because there is no clear 
>>   statement anywhere saying, "Don't do this!"
>> - People do mass comments/changes because they see other people doing this
>>   and think it's ok. I for myself got into this mess, because I sent out 
>>   a mass comment and nearly got my privileges revoked for that.
>> - People resolve bugs as WFM, INVALID, or WONTFIX when they shouldn't
>What do you mean by "when they shouldn't"?

In general nobody should mark a bug WONTFIX but a developer. 

Often people mark bugs INVALID without fully understanding the bug and
the circumstances. BZ complained a lot about that in Layout, when I asked
him to review one of the first versions of this doc.

The same can be said about resolving bugs as WFM. Often people have
properly verified that the reported issue is indeed a local problem.

>>>The instructions for upgrading privileges should match those outlined on 
>>> .
>> If they are consensus, fine. 
>Consensus? They are the _law_, dude :-)

Your smiley implies that this isn't really the case. So should I now
change my doc or shouldn't I?

>> But in the past I got the impression that
>> other people with editusers, like timeless for example, want to see a
>> little bit than what you say on your page. I also noticed that some
>> developers think, that too many people have editbugs (I do not necessarily
>> agree). 
>If so, such developers should be contacting me with the names of people 
>they think are not using their privileges correctly.

I don't think these people do this intentionally. They just lack the
experience people like us acquired over the years. 

When a lot of people have editbugs, more mistakes happen, but also more
bugs are triaged and more people look at bugs. IMO a look at this
document and your etiquette document would help in preventing a lot of
the common problems.

For this both documents had to be prominently linked on the bmo
frontpage. Unfortunately this hasn't happened even for your doc yet.

Rusty: You scared?
Linus: You suicidal?
Rusty: Only in the morning.
(Ocean's Eleven)
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