Dan Gall wrote:

Michael Lefevre wrote:

On 2004-03-03, Gervase Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gervase Markham wrote:

I'd like to call it "MozDev", but that name seems to be taken. We could call it "d.m.o" after "b.m.o"... I'm sure others can think of better names.

If we're going to go big on the copying, how about "MozDN"? ;-)

Good plan. Then we can receive a threat of legal action for trademark
infringement as well as copyright infringement, and rename the project 4
times over the course of a couple of years as we try to find a name that's
not taken. ;)

Heh. Seriously, don't clone trademarks and acronyms.


Ambiguous, also a jargon-word.

Mozilla Org Developer (Development) Ministry of Development

I love Big Brother!

[. . .]
Rolls off the tongue better than MozDN (mozdown? mozdin? mozdun? mozdeein?) too <g>

Agreed, but it's ambiguous, and it doesn't say "DEVeloper" up front and as clearly as DevMo does.

I started this party, I still say DevMo is it -- move along. That is all. ;-)

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